Is God far away from us in our lowest moments?
During the time of Innocence, where is our Allegiance?
We all know that the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America was successfully removed from the mouths of school children across our nation. Of course the words “Under God” became the introduction of removing any semblance to God from our nation and eventually every avenue of recognizing our Creator. If those who are attempting to divorce any significance of God from government officiantion the next move will be our currency. Turn over any legal tender with an amount to cover exchange for property or services, there are the words “In God we trust.” It is exemplary that the founding Fathers of this nation held to the premise of following our Creator with thankfulness in all the efforts that secured this nation under God, first.
Through the many efforts of writers and speakers we keep promoting the need to keep God first and foremost worthy of our praise and thanksgiving for all that we have. This is because of the grace he continues pouring out on us and our words must not fail to remind all of us of that Truth.
The Liberty Bell, the stars and stripes of our flag, the Constitution of the United States, are more than symbols and dictates of a nation dedicated to God. Each one stands for the blood shed to ensure freedoms that make this country better than all others around the world. But, when adversaries who work for an enemy who does not have our best interests at heart are reaching into the very souls of its citizens, we must bring out the words of the Constitution, fly the stars and stripes, and ring the bells of freedom once more.
Where is the call to arms that all may hear and prepare to fight? What will be the mandate that says to everyone, “together we stand, but separated we surely will fall?” Liberty is assigned to the Bell that rang over our nation, a sound of freedom that indicates we will not hide the God-given freedom that was earned through Christ redeeming man from sin. If that sounds too far away from spiritual requirements we must remember God is just as concerned with the needs of humanity as he is with Church related issues. In fact, the human needs come first with God followed by our church requirements. If one attempts to catechize unbelievers, feed them with their physical needs first then they will receive the Truth of God next.
Be aware of the theme that tells us if we do not stand for those whom we can see, what will we stand for with the God we do not see? When we think of allegiance to any specific entity we should give that same adherence to God who created all of us to stand up for each other. God is always fighting for us and yet he expects all of humanity to do their part as well. Since our battle is with an unseen enemy we can only use the weapons of the Spirit. As Paul said; “Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil day and, having done everything, to hold your ground. So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed with righteousness as a breastplate, and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace. In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield, to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” (Eph 6: 13 - 17).
Allegiance to God will be more than an open pledge of our dedication, it will be an oath of faith that given to us requires sacrifice from the evil intent of sin. When any of us reflects on the subtle attractions of sin, we usually don’t see beyond the glitter of promises it presents which will become a good friend when the chips are down. A guarantee that the first time we found a habit or relief after a bad incident, it became an easy solution to future failures and always relied upon its quick relief.
Our quiet attachment to this habitual release from pain or confusion of reality is an allegiance in itself but always a continued fall from grace. The influx of any type of entity that pulls us away from God removes our trust in him and consequently builds a rampart against the very grace that we will need to fight off these attacks.
Once any of us is able to address this allegiance to evil we will then be calling on God’s Spirit and allowing us the opportunity to stand shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters proclaiming the words; “I pledge allegiance to the Lord of Hosts, our Christ who shed his Blood for my salvation. To him alone will I promise to fight against the evil that has promised eternal death away from God.” This is our allegiance to God!
Ralph B. Hathaway