Are You Stuck In A Mistake?
“You say ‘The Lord’s ways are not fair!’”
Yes, I admit that I do say that, Lord. In fact, I just said it this past week. I often contemplate how certain things you’ve asked of me are just not fair.
It’s usually when I’m coveting someone else’s blessings, falling into the sin of comparison, or not saying “yes” to your will and the cross that comes with it. In other words, I say that your ways are not fair when I’m not living fully what you’ve asked of me.
So you say back to me “Is it my way that is unfair, or rather, are not your ways unfair?” I think about all the ways I’ve fallen short of virtue and doing what is right, charitable, and just, and I know you have a point here, Lord.
Lord, I also know that I don’t see the big picture of my life or the universe, and You do. You see my goodness and my not-so-good qualities. You see the crosses and blessings. You see the burdens on my back and the burdens on others’ backs. You see the real injustices in our midst.
You’re not just looking to make things fair, good, and whole for me, but for all your other sons and daughters. Your bigger picture is saving the world and drawing us back to Yourself.
Who am I to say “The Lord’s ways are not fair” when things don’t go my way? Christ could have said the same when He suffered the cross, but gave us a different model to follow.
Instead, let my words be, “Yes, Lord. I will accept and do Your will.”