The questionof Mary; Born Immaculately or not; placing the Hypo-static Union in limbo!
Does Anger Produce Hysteria?
An urgent thought because hysteria is considered a neurological symptom accompanied by exaggeration which is prevalent today in society. That type of exaggeration has erupted in severe anger all over the country. One only needs a quick look at the news on a daily basis and view the out-of-control incidents that are creating lawlessness in areas that once were a pleasure to live and shop in. If someone got out of control and performed a crime the police would be called and the disregard for peaceful coexistence was halted.
Today, the existence of lawful precepts has become questionable in more communities than ever before. Smash and grab, the almost common activity by gangs or one or two individuals occurring with no protection by law enforcement. Store owners are helpless and in one California city any attempt by the store proprietors will now be charged with a felony if the latest bill becomes law. No protection of law abiding citizens any more.
How many parents are at odds with schools are struggling with the refusal to bar males from entering the girls restrooms or locker rooms. In some instances girls have been raped with no worry of legal prosecution. No protection of law abiding citizens because of the Woke sense of reversing Constitutional mandates.
For several years we have watched our freedoms become laughable scenarios as the far left has successfully become an entity that is taking over the peace of our nation with no looking back. Where has the anger arisen from with open antagonistic reactions to tyranny and government control when the freedoms we have grown up to support and live by are being taken away from us?
When corrupt leaders work to defund police, or restrict their ability to do what they are placed to protect, we are already in a police state mentality that will tie the hands of justice. For those among us who do not believe that is what our democracy is headed for, look into the pattern many foreign nations have already fallen into and we are next.
Anger, again, is a common attribute of emotional reactions to anything that intends to destroy the rights of citizens and replace their common rule with a social system that is under the control of a communist theory of government. In the past we saw Hitler exterminating its Jewish citizens. Assad has used chemicals to murder many of his citizens. Hussein also did away with the citizens he didn’t want. These were dictators who came to power through the weakness of citizens who just let them take over without fighting for their freedoms. Our early struggle in America saw the Boston Tea Party, the ride of Paul Revere, Washington crossing the Delaware, and Abraham Lincoln giving his Gettysburg address at that battlefield. Heroes who would not stand by and in some instances placed themselves as martyrs in one fashion for freedom.
As we stand and scratch our heads as to how or where all of these intrusions came from, remember that those who forget the past are bound to repeat it. Now our nation could have become one that fell to tyrannical intrusions but was spared that through those who fought to avoid that and became our heroes from history. Our nation is on the edge of losing all the rights we are guaranteed of through the Constitution and those who struggled to support their meaning.
All of us are members of the morally promoting citizens using our God-given rights to plead for adherence by everyone concerned for justice. That justice begins with placing God as number one in everything we do. The first rule of finding peace within the presence of evil tactics by unjust leaders is placing God back in our homes, schools, and work-place environments. A nation that prays will have no more fear from the evil that surrounds us and our nation. Remove the anger that produces a hysterical attitude by replacing it with a justified anger that will change the world we live in.
Ralph B. Hathaway