From out of the past our sins will follow us!
What is Grace? Can we lose Grace?
Let us begin by putting an identity to this unknown term that comes from God. First it is not an entity. Entities are an established item with substance that answers to someone or something. Grace is the very essence of who God is. Yes, God is love, and it is through his unending love that grace flows to us. But, it also is not a free-flowing particle that looks for a landing space ro grow and guide. It is blessings untold that God graciously extends to his children when their faith calls for it.
A person filled with faith gets a promotion; we say it was through the Grace of God! We wait in the visitor’s lounge as a loved one undergoes a critical medical procedure and when the doctor gives us a thumbs up gesture, there is no doubt God has worked through the doctor’s ability and the grace of God answering the faith of all concerned.
Even at times there may occur a loss of something we were looking forward to receiving only to lose the position. Then unexpectedly a different opportunity opens up for us which is far more rewarding to our ability and again God’s Grace appears and our faith was behind the action. The question may arise regarding those who do not have a strong faith or lack of that they weren’t expected to receive? Is that grace as well? No one can predict who will receive grace irregardless of their faith or none at all. That is God in his mysterious way of reaching all of his children. Nevertheless, when good things happen to us it is God allowing his grace to become active within our lives and we cannot make the decision as to whom he places this essence on.
Grace can receive many adjectives describing our works which may not be in God’s will for us. If we view the terrible atrocities that occur around the world to innocent citizens by corrupt leaders, we do not expect God’s Grace to be present. So, if these scoundrels get world attention which elevates their notoriety it is not from God. Remember, Satan uses his power to make events appear as a godly act. He is also called an angel of light, deceiving us and making incredulous activity a thing for us to believe in.
Acknowledging grace occurring for people who are chosen as true children of God is a wonderful and divinely appropriated praise to God for his generous love for us. We can say that God does innumerable blessings through his love and grace for those who give him praise. Praise is the one actuality that is happening in heaven constantly to the Father and it filters down to mortals who give him praise and thanks before stepping into life’s activities.
Placing God ahead of all earthly events and persons gives us a golden opportunity to become one with him through body and spirit. Why? Because God is all deserving by his forgiving essence for the manner that we have turned away from him, yet not because of us, but in spite of us.
Calling upon the Lord in times of distress will always receive an answer and whatever the result for our needs will always find God’s Grace coming through in a way that best suits our benefit. We should never believe that grace only comes at the most severe moments since God is also concerned in the little things of our lives as well. What is appropriate to the essence of God are the very unexpected issues that he is always looking to help us. It could be a great tragedy we are kept from or the simple fall that finds us unscathed from that as well. Grace can be simply seen as God having his hands on our shoulders and as quick as a sudden unpleasant occurrence confronts us he removes it from our sight. His presence is his grace freely there in the element of our faith or those whose faith is working for others with needs.
Ralph B. Hathaway