My Special Place
Eileen Renders October 03, 2023
We all at times in our lives are confronted with issues and problems that often are traumatic, confrontational, or simply difficult to resolve. Those are the times, I go quickly to my special place to evaluate the situation, ponder my options and attempt to come to a resolution. The place that I am referring to is that reserved corner of my mind where I always retreat to in times of uncertainty.
Never is it an option to take another with me. It is my private place you might say, and rarely is another allowed in. It would require opening myself up to that other person, sharing my dilema and allowing for another’s opinion. Always, I have kept what is my problem to myself, until I am able to either place it high on one of my empty shelves, or decide what must happen through my own actions in order to put the issue to rest.
If there were another way that would be easier, or swifter, I surely would be interested in being privy to a method on exactly how to proceed. As for myself, I turn off the background noise, phones, TV, etc. and either pray, or speak directly to my creator. My creator is often difficult to hear as he never answers immediately, and his voice is often soft and low, not audible as we have come accustomed to in interaction with others. In fact, I only hear that voice, in answer to my plea as words that run like a fast stream trickling into a tiny stream opening, that opening of course, being my own heart and mind. It is never mistaken as a thought of my own as the words travel through my heart quicker than I could formulate a thought. That is how my God speaks to me. Because I have spent so many times in my special Place alone, listening and waiting for his acknowledgement, I have come to know the voice of God and how He speaks to my heart.
It never happened in the dozens of times I went there alone for quite a long time, and it only occurred when I learned how to shut down myself to the outside world and stop talking and learned how to listen and wait for him to come to me!
It may take some time before you are able to listen with your heart and be still while you patiently wait for him to join you, but if you persist relentlessly in going to that Special Place, I am pretty sure you will eventually hear His voice as He quietly enters your heart and your mind.
As for one who has met Him there in my special place, I can assure you that it is well worth the effort.