Why Do Only Some Have an Intimate Relationship with Jesus?
By Eileen Renders October 03, 2023
As a child, we think as a child. In recalling my own childhood I can remember how it was confusing to think of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost as three persons in one God. And I could not understand that God is, God always was, and God will always be. There were other teachings about God that I also did not understand, such as He knows everything that each of us may be doing and can be many place all at the same time.
Now as an adult, I still must be honest and say that I can no better understand all the amazing facets of God’s unique abilities any more than I did as a child! However, accepting our faith without living proof is exactly what contributes to our spiritual development, faith.
Still, I must share how faith grows and becoms a reality as I know it to be. The times when I felt His presence, those times when my faith brought me through rough seas, or those times in church right after receiving Holy Communion, when the Host, the body and blood of Jesus Christ and how I feel the warmth in my chest and my heart begins beating faster. That for me is when I realized that God is with us and if we are patient and spend time with Him, He will show, or present Himself in a way that is recognizable. However, in order to reach that realization, we must remain loyal and be patient. His blessings and graces bestowed upon us will bring to us a wisdom and an understanding of which we were previously incapable. What joy!