From Water to Wine to the Blood of Christ
The Essence of God; Through Christ his Son
If we want to reach into the very meaning of God’s Essence, we must first go to the Sacred Scriptures. Therein we shall find the exact understanding of whom God’s essence took its place in our history.
Begin with the issue of man’s erroneous disregard for the very grace God handed him without any requirement. However, even here man still needed to protect his gift with the strength of a warrior. It was this intentional disregard of God’s Love for us to enjoy that became the first step for God to overreach the sentence of eternal death for all mankind. As humans we cannot earn anything that God gives us. Everything comes without payment due with God. “Without cost you have received, without cost you are to give.” (Mt 10: 8). A mandate Christ gave to his disciples when caring for the poor and underprivileged. This follows through when we are in dire straits and take God for granted.
We can believe that each issue that the Holy Trinity cooperated in making any decision was agreed upon by God (three persons). However the one issue not being a collective certainty is found in the answer to the Parousia. (cf Mt 24: 36 - 38).
Since the Trinity is three persons but still one God is confounding to the finiteness of man. However mysteries as this are not for any of us to scrutinize but accept as God’s Truth.
The decision was made and the Word of God chose to take on humanity, becoming just like his creation of mankind. He would breathe for life, eat and become biologically responsible for all of human necessities. He realized (already knew) that because his divine nature was the direct enemy of the devil, this entity would attack him with temptations that only a Son of God would deal with. This then is the first example of what the Essence of God is all about, through Christ.
Can you imagine a ruler, or indeed a mighty monarch as a king, walking the streets of a community where danger can be found at every street corner or subject your very life to physical danger at the drop of a hat. But the needs of a populace can often require the journey to risk all for the rescue mission of those you have come to save. Each of the attacks of the holiness of our Lord went unceasingly and for most kings would be more than he had bargained for. It (the mission to save souls) had these and more to reverse the way to encounter Satan and his many methods of deterring hopeful people. Through all this the efforts of the Son of God were successful as at least twelve men believed, were ordained through their acceptance as Jesus taught them, and began the Church we have today. The second example of what the Essence of God is all about, through Christ.
No matter how often or in what manner Satan uses to counter the many blessings Almighty God use to redeem his human creatures, his efforts to attack the Son of God occurred twice. First the temptations in the desert and the coming event at Gethsemane In his final failure. On the cross as Jesus died, destroying final death for humanity, is the last example of what the Essence of God is all about, through Christ; God Incarnate. Saying; “It is Finished.” (Jn 19: 30).
Ralph B. Hathaway