You Are Not Alone, I Will Never leave You
My God, My God, Do not forsake me!
By Eileen Renders October 08, 2023
Psalm 22 “My God, my God, why have you forsaken Me?” It is those very heartfelt words that are seen in two separate Gospels.
In Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34 As Jesus is hanging on the cross near death. “Jesus seems to have known that the whole of Psalm 22, in some way or other, was about him.” It was about the ninth hour when Jesus cried out with a loud voice “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” The Aramaic form of “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
Knowing what was predestined, and what was happening to Jesus, why then did He call out those words to his Father in heaven? We may then wonder why Jesus cried out to his father on the cross those words, having had full knowledge beforehand of events that were to occur and had fully accepted his crucifixion.
Perhaps the best explanation is provided through our own personal experience, when we also, have felt we could not change what was occurring in our own life. Still, the fear, the lonely feelings of isolation, and the full horror of an event can make us feel very insignificant and helpless.
Jesus, it can be understood, also felt those feelings as well. He agreed to take on the sins of the world and receive a punishment that was really meant to be ours. He felt the emotional horror and abandonment along with the physical pain of the crucifixion while at the same time seeing soldiers casting lots for his garments. An agony far surpassing what we are asked to endure.
Jesus accepted and looked forward to joining his father in heaven once again with his crucifixion behind him. Jesus was able in the end to see past his pain as he understood his father’s plan to save souls.
How then will what Jesus endured for our sake help us to endure our pain, our loss, and our dignity when we feel so isolated and abandoned? Jesus showed us by his brave example to attempt to see past our moments of horror by placing all our trust in God. God loved us so much that he sacrificed his only son to die on the cross to save us from sin.