Plan 75
In one of his novels, the Russian writer Turgenev has a character who, somewhat exasperated by the company of some well-heeled and well-oiled babbling companions; stood up and said “This is Bedlam” and left. That is how I feel these days when I watch the news most evenings.
If I had any doubts that we are living in Bedlam, they were laid to rest this week after reading a story on the prolife news website (Life Site) about a Film award ceremony in Holland where the video of a Dutch pop group’s song “Kill the Baby” had been nominated for one of their ‘Golden Calf’ awards (you couldn’t make this stuff up).
The video, which I watched, is truly disturbing; beginning with an animated scene, set in the womb, where the two band members home in on the foetus in space ships and annihilate the ‘intruder’ with ‘ray-guns’. Fairly tame compared to what comes next, which uses baby dolls to demonstrate a variety of execution techniques, including setting fire to one, a mock-up of an electric chair, being mauled by a dog, thrown from a building and being shot .
It seems that one of the band members had an abortion and this is her way of trivialising abortion and processing her feelings about that.
Whilst the gates of Eden were shut behind us long ago; humanity has journeyed a long way in the opposite direction. I wonder how much worse it could get; how much longer before the cry of the hearts of His children are heard “Come Lord Jesus” and He Illuminates the consciences of the world.
Link to the Video (Its is shocking so use discernment rather than curiosity to decide whether to view it or not)