Devastation Everywhere
In the twilight of time we find the peace that can only come from God
As each moment of strife created through evil enterprises seems to overtake the substance of man we look for and grab with intense fear of losing what may be the only sign of hope. It has become a battle of right being subverted through every possible attack of evil that knows no let-up.
The existence of unknown entities that prowl in the dark waiting to reach out and grab the first unsuspecting soul is how sin in a human form can silently slip into any unprotected person. We send our children out from the nest giving them the greatest advice and assurance of being there for them if anything attacks their essence.
When the treasure of our loins reaches out to a world where there is nothing but wolves looking for prey, the decisions they make will depend upon our efforts to instill faith in God. The difference between right and wrong and the ability to choose between their attraction takes more than just words in a book. It is the grace that God has placed within the souls of these neophytes before they attempt to walk into the darkness of unprotected light.
Twilight of time or the beginning of a new venture will always be confronted with storms that threaten our well-being. We saw that when the Apostles Peter and John experienced this same threat as they spoke of the Christ that the Jews crucified by Roman soldiers. (Acts 4: 5 ff). So it will be with our children, or even you and I when stepping on the stage of reality in a world that wants nothing to do with Christ, who is our very goal in promoting.
After the Resurrection of Christ, the disciples were in the upper room, praying and in fear for their own lives, when Jesus suddenly appeared before them. “Peace be with you.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” And when he said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” (Jn. 20: 19 -23).
Our task of being sent, no matter what our office may be, cannot be accomplished without the peace of Christ, and in this world that still maintains God and his Christ through his Church is no longer needed, we must move forward through his grace which our faith holds onto.
This then becomes the twilight of time and reality where Peace is not a word of welcome, it has become the essence of only an assurance of eternity here and now through Christ.
Ralph B. Hathaway