Life: The Battle over my Right.
Obscenity is pulling Censorship into Hell Now!
Just watching hearings from Washington D.C. regarding how some school systems are allowing pornagraphic booklets into their school libraries where 5 and 6 year old children are being led into a world of sex. Even adults who are entering social physics as a career would not likely study what these innocent children are being indoctrinated with. Sen. Kennedy read from one of these booklets to the group and the graphics were stunning as the players on the pages spoke just like a XXX movie with no holds barred.
One of the people who were promoting these cried out “censorship” when the idea before the session wanted this stopped. Most people would agree that too stringent censorship could lead to one day allowing the government to ban bibles or church related publications. That happened in Germany during the Third Reich. Could it happen here?
What is occurring in more cities in America is a collapse of morals so deep that the evil it implies appears to be an opportunity to live with comparisons of modern thought and not see the hand of Satan reaching out from hell to pull humanity into its depths.
Look at your 5 and 6 year old children. They represent innocence as smiles cover their faces, not touched by an evil mist that cannot be noticed. Once they are exposed to even one session at school the smile will become an obscure look of confusion that you or them won’t know what has happened. Most of these schools have prohibited parents from learning what their dear babies are being smothered with. It makes us wonder what do we teach these children as they begin preparing for 1st Holy Communion with this evil wiping away the thoughts of decency, and the birds and the bees if this is explained any more
Our hands are tied to the direction that immorality with anyone is deadly. But, to use the lowest form of sexual gratification to children who have not entered puberty and have almost no understanding regarding what they have physically is a gift God gave us for another time in life is a travesty when directed to watch or listen to this evil.
At that age children should learn to use their abilities for dissecting math problems and understanding writing and the English language to speak profound sentences and not remember terms that can only crowd their thoughts of what morality means.
Unfortunately, we as a society with moral values and the guidance of our children to Church related ideals, have now found another entity spreading throughout and corrupting the very ideals that God handed us through his Son Jesus Christ. Censorship can be bad, but since Obscenity has become the word of the land which is taking over the mindset of our precious children we must fight to keep this 1st Amendment from allowing these Satanic principles to destroy what God has given us. The 1st Amendment must be kept, but discretion must also be used when those children are not ready for the tragedy of ill-conceived evils that appear to grow in the minds of innocent children. Much prayer and grace are both needed more than ever in this world going crazy without adherence to Christ and his grace of purity and mercy.
Ralph B. Hathaway