Preparing our Children for Martyrdom
Everybody, at some point of his existence, ends up asking some questions: for what do I exist? What should I do with my life? Where should I go?
In our society there is a big existential void, people can´t make a sense of their lives and this causes many problems, such as the escape to alcoholism, to drugs and even suicide.
The answer to those questions is fundamental to the life and happiness of any person. Everyone should have the conscience that they were created by God to accomplish a mission while they are in this earthly life, so then return to Father´s home.
If a person doesn´t fulfill his mission, all the love plan that God predicted for all mankind will be incomplete, because every human being is very important and no one can fulfill the mission of the other person, everyone is irreplaceable.
We´ll only be happy when we look for accomplishing this love plan that God our Father predicted for the lives of each one of us.
The first truth we need to be aware of is that each one of is an original idea of God, since all eternity, an unique and unrepeatable being, with capacities and limitations, with our temper and wishes.
All circumstances that were involved in our conception and our birth, the education we´ve got, our being male or female, the people who influenced who we are today were predicted by God to help us fulfill our mission to accomplish this idea that God had when He created us.
Those events were not always good, they did not always happen in the way originally thought by God, because many of them depend on our free cooperation, our free will. But as Saint Paul says: "And we are conscious that all things are working together for the good of those who has love for God!"[1]
We have the freedom to decide if we wish to accomplish God's plan or not, if we will become what God thought about us, or if we will deny his project. This is the biggest gift we have received from God after life itself: the freedom to choose which way to follow.
To walk this way chosen by God, to become the person we should and can be, is a process of maturation and growing, and that can be a little painful. But when we reach the end, when we discover this love plan, life has a new taste. We see everything that surrounds us and everything that happens a little bit more like God sees it. We have a better understanding of the events and are able to make more precise daily decisions.
Holy Scripture confirms that we all are called to accomplish the ideal for which God has created us, as Saint Paul teaches:
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,who has blessed us in the heavenly realmswith every spiritual blessing in Christ.For he chose us in him before the creation of the worldto be holy and blamelessin his sight. In love5 hepredestinedus for adoption to sonshipthrough Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasureand will"[2]
But what does it mean to be holy? Many times those words scare us, they seem to be only words for priests or nuns. But this vocation, this call from God to be holy, is for everyone.
Holiness is nothing more than following this path chosen by God, to be able to return to Him. In other words, what God wants is for us to fulfill his will when we are here on Earth, so one day we will be able to enjoy his divine presence in Heaven.
To discover this original and unique project that God has for our lives, we have to analyze all the aspects of our existence, our temper, our wishes, our life story, the symbols we think are important, what motivates us, our psychological structure. In all that, God put "clues" so we can see his will.
It´s important to say that this process demands work, patience and trust, because this is not a task that we can do from one day to another. It's also not "mission impossible", but we need to dedicate time, reflection and plead tirelessly for the help of God, and the light of the Holy Spirit to illuminate this search.
The true greatness of the human person is to fulfill the task of life that God entrusted him. Nobody should die before this is carried out here on Earth to the greatest extent possible.
[1] Cf Rm 8,29
[2] Cf Ef 1, 3-5