GLTB and all the rest of the ABCs
There have been three themes for some blogs that have been placed within my heart—but had not yet been put to paper. Tonight, I see now why this was so, as I received the connecting words read from a book-”God's Words Heals” by Derek Prince. He was speaking about the parable found in Luke 5:36 where no one puts a piece from a new garment on an old one, lest it tear. Derek said, “Most Christians face their problems by telling God "I have a tear. Give me a patch, a little piece of Your supernatural help, and I'll put it on. But, don't ask me to change my lifestyle.”
That was it, the line that has been resonating within my heart, and my concern about lukewarm Christian/Catholics that seem to be in the majority of our world today. Don’t make me change! We seem to be Billy Goat Catholics, who have a lot of desire to serve, butt---yes--BUTT we also have a lot of excuses or explanations of why we don't respond to help when needed. We also do head butting with those who see differently than we do and will not cooperate with new ideals.
We also could be defined as the Recliner Chair Mentality people. We like our 'comfortability' ---and “don't ask me to get up from here and change that channel—give me that remote.” We have become too comfortable with a lifestyle that has been made easier for us. Life has given us much to choose from, as we seek pleasure and an easier way of doing our work. With a click or a simple touch, we have become more inactive, drawing away to ‘play’ instead of ‘pray.’
We have become very comfortable in our spirituality too. Going to weekly Sunday Mass, saying our daily prayers/rosary, and helping when we see someone in need or when asked by the parish----we feel REAL GOOD about ourselves and become comfortable in thinking I am doing enough for God. Until---something different, taxing, challenging, painful—well until suffering and self-denial comes our way; then we start to fuss and complain and question is that really what God is doing, is that Him talking, and is this really His plan for our lives? Did Jesus/God really mean all those things He said to do in the Gospels, the Epistles, and the Psalms? Or, are those warnings in Scripture for us today; are they only meant for the folks back then?
“Gotta think about this type of total commitment and covenant living spirituality. Isn't that just for the religious anyway?” Just how obedient to God's Word am I supposed to be. There are some things God tells us to do that we are just not sure “He really meant for us who live in today’s world.” 1.) For instance, 'forgive 7 by 70 or every time we are hurt—does God realize what we have to deal with now days, or who we live with? 2.) Sell all you have and give to the poor—wait a minute---got to get more clarification of the translation on that one. 3.) Do not judge, do not worry, do not criticize, do not gossip---has God forgotten just how human He made us? Some of these “Do nots” are a little unrealistic. (Like a Donut---we are going to find a hole in those little rules to figure out a way not to follow the “Do Nots.” Now that was a little pun humor the Holy Spirit just popped in with.)
Comfortabiltiy Recliner Chair people, Head Butting Billy Goat folks, and the final connecting theme that has been lying in the mind—waiting for its turn: Giants—there are Giants!!!
Did you know that the Israelites could have gone into the Promised Land by the third year after leaving Egypt? In the book of Numbers Chapter 13 and 14 you will see WHY they did not!! In scouting the land, they saw BIG people or giants and FEAR led them to NEVER seeing the Promised Land. Now any person can see the connection here to what keeps us from experiencing the promises of God. A situation arises—the solutions are there, given by God—but we see with eyes of doubt, fear, worry, and question God's love and power—and we cave.
God's Word, His Promises, His Covenant relationship is forever—for all of His Children and that means you and me! Then why are we living a weak, watered down version of His Way and not experiencing that life where the Power of God is evident at every turn of the road we come to? Compare you way of responding to life to the way the Israelites did in the desert. First they sing this song of Praise of all that God had done—and then within days—it is back to the same ole-whining, complaining, idol worshiping and being angry because they are not living in that old COMFORTBLE life they knew. And they also butted heads with the leaders and therefore ended up, literally, dead on the desert sand they came to. Sound familiar---do you go to church on Sunday and hurry back to false idols as you rant and rave, fuss and fume leaving the parking lot? And, because we desire what may not be good for us---wanting MORE than what is needed--do we end up in the land of frustration, unhealtiness, and despair?
We have deserts in our life, we have storms, and we have giants and mountains to move! However, do we have the faith and trust in God that we need to go into receiving all of the Promises He has given to us that can be found in the pages of His Inspired Words, the “How to Manual” of surviving life on earth? What will your reply be to these questions and thoughts? You got a 3 for 1 Bargain Blog today! Take great advantage of this opportunity to pray for wisdom and ask God to reveal to you---does this describe any part of the way you react to change or God’s call to “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand. Not only is His Kingdom at hand, but the Land of His Promises waits everyday to be lived in. Are you ready to enter in and take possession of His Words in your life? We believe in God the Father the Almighty don’t we? “Trusting in Him” though, is what really causes us to stumble as we travel onward. To go forward victoriously, or come to a standstill—you decide.