Jesus is either God or He is a liar who died in his sins
Christmas is, by far, my favorite time of the year. It begins in the fall, when the air begins to get crisp and clear. The nights get longer and the days shorter. Driving on the freeway, the long line of cars with red and white lights, remind me of Christmas lights surrounding everyone’s house.
As a child, I remember longing for Christmas, all year long. It wasn’t just for the presents. It was for the celebrations with family and friends. It was the eggnog. It was the food. It was the gatherings of people I loved. And it was because everyone seemed happier.
Of course, Santa Claus played a great part of my childhood. Unlike most Americans, I had no confusion about any new age meaning for “Santo” Clos. His very name, in Spanish, denotes that he is a Saint of God most high. Therefore, there was never any confusion in my mind as to who he is. Why it was confusing to anyone is beyond me. Doesn’t the name “Santa” denote his sainthood?
Anyway, there were other names for Santa which clarified his role in Christmas. Saint Nick, Saint Nicholas, do those not clearly spell out Santa’s identity.
The Three Kings
In some of my friends’ households, they didn’t open their gifts on Christmas day. They waited until the end of the Christmas season. The day of the Three Kings which we call, the Epiphany. I didn’t know that back then, I heard everyone call it the day of the Magician Kings (Reyes Magos).
Opening gifts
What patience! It seemed to me, at that age, that they were poor, tortured children, that they must wait an additional amount of time to receive their gifts. Unlike other households, where children would open some of their gifts during Advent, my mom would not permit it until Christmas day, December the 25th. And I thought that was torture. Imagine having to wait until January the 6th?! Oooh, anguish!
A season of love and grace
What is it about Christmas? The season which celebrates God’s incarnate Love revealed to the world. On this beautiful season of love and grace, may God pour His Holy Spirit upon you and your loved ones.
Merry Christmas, one and all!