Then another portent appeared in heaven: a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads.
Revelation 12:3
“White people are bad. Brown people are good.”
This demonic pronouncement came from the mouth of a five-year-old in Denver regaling his grandparents with the received wisdom of the day, a factoid learnt from a “teacher” at his kindergarten. How did we ever get here?
On 27 May 1949, Chairman Mao’s Communist army rolled into Shanghai fast on the panicked exodus of expatriates from around the world. Many of the escapees had planted their lives, their livelihoods and their families in that bastion of urbanity perched on the Yellow Sea, believing perhaps that they were part of a historic transformation of China from a vast backwater wracked by endless civil wars into a glittery showpiece of Western freedom and modernity. The actual transformation, as it turned out, would raze any trace of glitter or freedom to the ground and sting the eyes of the onlooking world with the acrid smoke of a civilization burning — a wildfire that would spread to all of China after Mao’s declaration of the birth of his “People’s Republic” at Tiananmen Square in Beijing on 1 October 1949.
Mao’s endless revolution taught even five-year-olds to hate America, the capitalists in Taiwan, and their own parents, too — or at least to spy on them and report to their teachers any deviation from Maoism’s demonic strictures. And then there was the forced starvation under Mao’s Great Leap Forward, followed by his Cultural Revolution; these Maoist horrors killed perhaps 70 million Chinese. Such atrocities, pungent with the stench of death, kept China at barge-pole’s length from much of the civilized world until, in 1972, the perfuming of China’s reputation began with President Nixon’s trip to Beijing and the piecemeal trashing of free, democratic Taiwan that followed. This writer remembers the naïve optimism a fellow-student in his Chinese class glowed with a few years later, expecting to make a killing selling American products in that parched economic desert that Mao’s depredations had created.
Predictably, that pipe-dream of a vast free market hungering for American imports was turned on its head as China, with America’s help and indulgence, progressively became the world’s manufacturer and exporter of everything under the sun. Its Maoist stench, meanwhile, gradually faded from memory — a popular anosmia prophetic of the Chinese-engineered global virus attack to come — as the “New” China began to dazzle all the gulled world’s eyes with a glitzy prosperity built on foreign expertise and capital pickpocketed from globalist dupes who cared not a whit that their investments were arming a juggernaut bent on their own civilization’s destruction.
For, like a pestilential, fire-breathing dragon, the spirit of Mao’s Cultural Revolution would cross the Pacific to vomit its napalm, cleverly disguised as diversity, equity, inclusion, et al, onto North America. This is the real “climate change,” the noxious breath of that monster infecting young, impressionable minds with a rabies of victimhood, entitlement, and social justice. That “justice” dropped its mask in 2020 with BLM’s burning and pillaging of cities across this formerly-blessed continent; with violent, revolutionary Leftist Antifa’s 120-day-long rape of Portland; and with the murderous complicity of “woke” governors, mayors and DA’s in granting impunity to all those Red-Guard minions of The Dragon, no matter how bloodied their hands.
One must wonder, then, just how the Reds got their foot in the door of this nation founded on incontrovertible, self-evident truths such as All men are created equal; They are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; Among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. If the Commies had been preaching atheism, selective racial hatred, glorified sexual perversion, the destruction of the family, the “gender-affirming” mutilation of children and consequent ruin of their lives and the extermination of babes in the womb (and, God save us, even beyond the womb), they would have found that door slammed on their foot — and with painful prejudice. Therefore, like a viper lurking in the shadows, they first softened up the spirit of this once-robust nation with stings of brain-numbing venom.
Back in 1954, Bella Dodd, ex-Communist Catholic revert, explained the slithering afoot in her autobiography, School of Darkness:
Plans were already on foot for a string of Marxist Adult Education schools which would have a patriotic look. The patriots of the American Revolution and of the Civil War were to be given a new sort of honor — a Marxist status. The new school in New York was named the Jefferson School of Social Research. In Chicago the school was named the Abraham Lincoln School, in Boston the John Adams School, and in New Rochelle, the Thomas Paine School. These schools were to play a part in the “third revolution” that was to destroy the nation.
Historian and truth crusader Dr. Paul Kengor calls the Abraham Lincoln School in Chicago “notorious for its Marxist instruction.”
Its venom worked. Chicago was Saul Alinsky’s stomping-ground. No wonder that he dedicated his “bible,” Rules for Radicals, to Lucifer. As an idealistic young priest, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J., of EWTN fame experienced first-hand the murderous results of Alinsky’s community-organizing method in which gangs of various ethnicities were pitted against one another in a Marxist class struggle with Chicago as the mad scientist’s test tube. Two of the Jesuit’s young protégés got killed and he himself was beaten up.
“One of the problems with Alinsky’s method is that it divorced itself from standard morality,” Fr. Mitch explains. “It put a lot of moral issues in another compartment: the irrelevant compartment.”
Notably, Barack Obama later cut his community-organizing teeth in Chicago before attending Harvard Law School. Degree in hand, he returned to Chicago to organize Project Vote, thus helping Bill Clinton win the White House, and climbed to the Illinois Senate, a launching-pad from which he rocketed to the U.S. Senate and then, with warp speed, won the White House for himself. He had promised his naïve idolaters, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” He failed to warn them that in his adolescence Frank Marshall Davis, former teacher at the Marxist “Abraham Lincoln School,” had been his mentor (and maybe more) and Saul Alinsky his inspiration.
Behold the results: Chicago today is a killing-field that rivals Kampuchea (read ‘Communist Cambodia’) under Pol Pot, while teachers and school counselors across this benighted land take their cue from Mao’s Red Guard in stealing children from their parents and turning them into human experiments — but here they do it on the operating-table, creating tragedies incarnate whose future rages we may have had a taste of at a certain Christian school in Nashville. But of course the Party knows best: we dare not read the killer’s manifesto, for we might then betray secrets to the Enemy.
The Enemy, of course, is us.
We thought we were secure in our American home, guarded by that hefty door of God-given rights, but the Commie destroyers, funded by their globalist enablers and the lethal fentanyl The Dragon floods this country with across its wide-open southern border, have barreled through that door flung open by a regime bent on replacing patriotic Americans with random aliens looking to suckle on the Government’s teat—among whom are fentanyl smugglers, child-sex traffickers, enemy saboteurs, and well-trained terrorists. The globalists, meanwhile, living in luxury in their private fortresses, sit back and enjoy the show of corruptniks in high places parroting the lies that keep the border open, the fentanyl flowing, and the country’s youth despairing over the God-given bodies they were born in.
Perhaps the globalists think that sacrificing our children to the Dragon will quench the monster’s bloodlust and let them get on with their lives of luxury in walled-in, well-guarded Paradise, their ears numbed to the screams of horror outside those walls as their own civilization burns. But look: the Undead Mao Zedong’s portrait still looms over Tiananmen Square as China’s spit and polished soldiery march by, barking crisp roars to the present Chairman’s cues, bristling with impatience to fight and die for the Great Red Dragon. And here on this side of the Pacific, our own disheartened soldiers, reeling from the viper’s jab, are training to puzzle over pronouns and hate their brethren of another race instead of standing guard against the all-but-certain onslaught to come.
Thus, that acrid smoke of human civilization burning, so long forgotten, must someday rise to sting the nostrils of even the penthouse-dwellers here in America. Perhaps, once it spoils the taste of their martinis, they will go out to their balconies and peer earthward to espy the doings of those scrabbling, ant-like swarms so far below, the swarms that feed them.
By that time, of course, it will be too late to quench the flames: the America we loved will have vanished like the once-bustling streets and shops and schools of Hiroshima, flattened under black, smoldering ash.
Welcome to Chairman Mao’s Brave New World.
Luke O’Hara became a Roman Catholic in Japan and writes mostly about Japan’s martyrs. His articles and books can be found at his website,