Priesthood and the Grace of Ordination
Elements of Surprise that belong to God
We must, of course, define the elements that are God’s alone before being handed on to us. Elements are familiar to us as chemical attributes that make-up the very structure of this planet. However, their contribution to human species and our constant use of these life-giving entities has a direct connection to God’s plan beyond salvation. Note in Genesis the very essence of God’s Word: “Let there be light, and there was light. God saw how good the light was. Then God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day and the darkness he called night.” (Gn 1: 3 - 5).
“Then God said, Let there be a dome in the middle of the waters, to separate one body of water from the other. And so it happened: God made the dome, and it separated the water above the dome from the water below it.” (Gn 1: 6 - 7).
All this is simple and as far as we know a precise expanse of our creation. God first created the elements and then established each one in its designed order. There are untold actual events regarding everything in the Universe that still remain mysterious to the human intellect, but even these are elements in their structure that belong only to God. It is the human species itself where the creation of such stands as the most mysterious element composed of chemicals, roadways to transfer these elements throughout this machine called human, and to have the challenge of standing guard against sin and all evils confronting us.
Here is where the true completion of God’s intent to create man after his own likeness becomes the track of following God and his mandate to accept his merciful love. If one graduates in education or just experiential activities he finds there is beyond himself one more step he must climb if he will receive the grace God meant for him.
This is called Sanctifying Grace which we cannot earn. Taking all of the elements that compose the earth and outer space and placing them in a cauldron to blend all their atoms together will not even find a miniscule of comparison to God’s Grace. This is the very element of surprise that nothing earthly or by human intellect could ever become from outside of God’s genuine Love.
Herein we see that Grace is not made of elements but the very completed existence of elemental being that only is God Incarnate through his Son Jesus Christ. If anyone in any millennium could have believed the Plan God made to forgive mankind, he still could’ve never conceived this surprise of salvation for his creation. Therefore, all of the elements that might be surprising to us culminate in the one element of complete forgiveness to mankind.
What exists for you and me will come to fruition when we enter eternity with Christ who is the element of creation, including mankind.
Ralph B. Hathaway