How Good is the Good God!
Do you know the 14 Stations of the Resurrection?
This was a new find for me. One day, I was cleaning out an old desk in my parish office and found a one-page typed sheet on the Stations of the Resurrection. I did a double take. I never heard of the Stations of the Resurrection. I certainly knew of the Stations of the Cross – but never heard of the Stations of the Resurrection which includes the time from the Resurrection to the day of Pentecost.
Once again, I found myself researching and decided that this would make a good book. These stations include the experience of the travelers on the road to Emmaus, the hesitation of doubting Thomas, the Great Commission, and so much more. Before long I had a manuscript and was moving toward publication.
My book, The Way of Light: The Story Behind the Resurrection, is both an educational and uplifting reminder to walk in the steps that Jesus took from the Resurrection to the first day of Pentecost. It is in His last words and the places along His journey that we learn more about the importance of each of these steps. This is not just a historical book - this is an engaging book of light and truth that encourages the reader to reflect at each of these moments in the steps of Christ and how they would identify with each of the characters in the story. Each station is unpacked with a wealth of information, scripture quotations, and personal experiences.
After review of my manuscript, one of the editors commented that he would like to see this book made available to every Catholic. This inspired me to submit the manuscript to the bishop’s office for review. I am happy to report that this book received the Nihil Obstat in September 2023 by the Diocese of Saint Petersburg, Florida. This award “declares that nothing stands in the way (nihil obstat) of this manual being published for devotional use by Catholics and can be read without fear of harm or confusion regarding Catholic faith or morals.”
While the editors were reviewing the manuscript, I also sent the pdf document to five individuals for a preview of the book. Four of the reviews are on the back cover and one is placed inside the front of the book. One of these reviews is from the Director of Religious Education in a North Carolina parish. It was her recommendation that this book be used for “adult study and prayer groups.” This inspired me to speak with the leaders in my parish about using this book for the upcoming women’s retreats to be held in March 2024.
This book is now LIVE on Amazon with more information about the book on my website –
I am always amazed at the things God continues to do in my life. Shortly after stepping into my new role as a widow, God challenged me to write a book about Our Blessed Mother. That book is titled – Mary’s Life Journey & Her Amazing Yes! – and received book awards from the 2023 Catholic Media Association. My latest book on the Stations of the Resurrection is my second book. Book #3 is also in the making. Details will be provided on my website with a projected publishing date of Spring 2024.
In addition to writing, as a widow, I have learned to embrace solo travel. I visit cathedrals, basilicas, monasteries, and shrines both in this country and abroad. When I return from my trips, I spend time blogging on my Catholic Travel Blog about all the beautiful Catholic sites and history discovered on my journeys.
It is important to know the greater story behind what we believe. Reading is one of the important ways to grow in our faith journey. I encourage you to read, learn, and lean in to all that God has for you.