The touch of a child
I want to be a Soldier of God. I realize that that is asking a lot and the expectations are quite high. Am I worthy of becoming that?, One who complains about my situations of life and constant negativity on how things turned out. Why would I even ask God to allow me to serve in an army of so great a power? To think that I would even be brave enough to do so.
I'll tell you why. Because he is a God of all forgiveness and mercy and he's always allowed the sinner into his family. Making sure it is known, that he came for the sick , not the well. He has bandaged my wounds so many times that I can't even remember the count. He is a Noble and Knowlegeable Commander who instructs His troops to lead with Love. From the beginning to the end, Love will be the key to happiness and peace.
Forgiveness is key also. Now that's the one that is the most difficult, I believe. I've come to realize that it has very much to do with Pride. No one likes to be made a fool, or told they were not good enough, or forced to have to see and do things one way, when they know it is not the right way. So complicated Life can be if we want to be the "Commander", and so easy if we just be the "Soldier". I'm not saying that if necessary, we must not lead, I'm just saying To relax and follow "God's" lead. Step away and if necessary, disappear for a while, till you have understood what God is telling you and instructing you on what to do. He will let you know. As sure as the sun rises. He will never leave us alone. We just have to be silent and listen.
Soldiers have to listen to the orders given by the Commander. If they don't, they will surely fail in their quest for Unity and Peace.
There is only "One" Commander and that is "God". From the very beginning of time when He commanded the world and everything that lies within it to begin. To the Final end, When He will come with all the Angels and Saints of heaven, To lead us, His "soldiers", to our eternal home. Paradise. Heaven.