Middle School Book Review: Penny and the Stolen Chalice
I’m not sure exactly how this book found its way onto my bookshelf. It must have been a gift to one of my children. But recently, as I was scanning the shelf, there it was—calling out to me. I’m so glad I picked up this delightful book. I only wish I had discovered it when my kids were still at home.
This little book is a fabulous tool for learning about some incredible saints—some I knew, many I hadn’t heard of before. The sections are short, just a few paragraphs, and, as the title states, full of fun facts. After each saint’s story, there is a little challenge for kids to incorporate into their day to encourage them think more about what they just read. This book is recommended for grades 1-6, but I think this would be a fantastic book to read as a family in the morning, and then at dinner time, each family member, no matter their age, could tell how they were inspired to act a bit more saintly that day.
The author has written several other Fun Facts books that sound equally fascinating: 131-Fundamental Facts for Catholic Kids: Liturgy, Litanies, Rituals, Rosaries, Symbols, Sacraments, and Sacred Surprises, 365 Fun Facts for Catholic Kids, and 150 Fun Facts Found in the Bible. The interesting facts and engaging illustrations create an excellent way for families to delve deeper into their faith.
You might be surprised to learn about the saint who rode a donkey backwards, the saint who helped a "criminal" escape from prison, the saint who was afraid of water, the saint who was kidnapped by pirates, and lots more! Learn how ordinary men and women did extraordinary things and became known as saints. If you think you already know all there is to know about saints, you might decide to think again.
As a writer and a mother, I’m always searching for wonderful Christian books for teens of all ages. I truly believe one way we can encourage teens in their faith is through fiction with positive messages, embedded in great stories. There are many fantastic Christian and Catholic teen novels out today but they can be hard to find. I’m excited to share some of these books with you. For more book suggestions for the whole family visit my website or join my News, Clues and Reviews updates.
Leslea Wahl