The Time I Asked Saint Therese For A Red Rose
There’s a battle for your soul. The battle for your soul wages between Heaven and hell, and it commences fiercely. “Always stay close to Me and the Sacraments, never departing from them. I am the bridge to be crossed into Eternal Life, into the Heavenly City.” The Lord says.
Shedding old skin. It’s time to shed the skin of sin and put on the skin of Sainthood. This is the time when Saints are made. Out of the darkness of the world emerges the brightest lights radiating the splendor of God and testifying to Jesus Christ.
In 1846 The Mother of Jesus made an apparition to La Salette France, to two children, Maximin and Melanie, with urgent and apocalyptic appeals.
“I make an urgent appeal to the earth. I call on the true disciples of the living God who reigns in Heaven; I call on the true followers of Christ-made man, the only true Saviour of men; I call on my children, the true faithful, those who have given themselves to me so that I may lead them to my divine Son, those whom I carry in my arms, so to speak, those who have lived on my spirit. Finally, I call on the Apostles of the Last Days, the faithful disciples of Jesus Christ who have lived in scorn for the world and for themselves, in poverty and in humility, in scorn and in silence, in prayer and in mortification, in chastity and in union with God, in suffering and unknown to the world. It is time they came out and filled the world with light. Go and reveal yourselves to be my cherished children. I am at your side and within you, provided that your faith is the light which shines upon you in these unhappy days. May your zeal make you famished for the glory and the honor of Jesus Christ. Fight, children of light, you, the few who can see. For now is the time of all times, the end of all ends.” - Our Lady of La Salette
The children would exclaim a profound statement, “We were drinking her words.” They would say. Let us do the same, and drink deeply the words of Christ and His Most Holy Mother, obeying and heeding their urgent messages. Let us understand what Our Lady of La Salette is saying, that the times are urgent and it’s time for the children of light to burst forth combatting the evils that befall the world. There is a great battle taking place for the human soul; Christ wants our soul, and so does satan. Now is the time to surrender fully to The Lord, so He may inhabit your being, dispersing all sin and darkness from you; and allowing you to bath in the light that He offers; and radiate that light to the world, thus helping win the fierce battle for souls.
Let us understand the battle taking place, and let us emerge from the battleground more radiant than ever.
“Fight children of light, you, the few who can see. For now is the time of all times, the end of all ends.” - Our Lady of La Salette.
Please look into the apparition of Our Lady of La Salette, and read her messages.