Stunting the Tear
It is with great comfort at the thought of our sweet relatives and friends of ours to have survived the trials and long hard roads of this life, to have some place to go after their deaths and to a place where there next goal is heaven, called Purgatory.
It is important to note that our sufferings do not end with death, except only if we make it to heaven straight away. Purgatory, is grueling, for the thought of not being able to be with God, and is for some, a long and slow process. That is why it is important to never assume that our beloved dead are free yet, but to pray daily for their salvation and crown in their quest to be with God eternally.
They cannot further their speed at this reward without our prayers. Their prayers and sufferings can intercede for us as they await their great triumph. Another sweet gift given by our merciful God.
The thought alone, of them still suffering, should compel us to constantly call upon God to show mercy for their salvation. Never assuming they are safe and sound in the comfort of their home. No matter how good they were on earth we must become like "spun gold" in the presence of God.
Many saints have confirmed that Purgatory is still fiery and hard, but bearable that their soul will someday see God. Unlike Hell, where they shall NEVER see God and will suffer eternal punishment forever.
Realizing and remembering this daily helps me make my choices. Though I fail to listen to the prompts of my sweet guardian angel, I pray for breath to not leave me till I have made repentance to our Lord for the sins I have committed.
What a good and merciful God we have and oh! so patient. Me, with all my flaws, can still give me grace after having turned away from His prompting to do good. Me, in my pride, thinking I know better and can handle in my own way alll things which are usually the wrong way.
Waiting and waiting, the Poor Souls in Purgatory, depend on us and our prayers. If we were allowed to love them while on earth, we should love them even more in death.
A dear priest, Father Aloysious Schmidt, was sitting on my couch one evening before dinner and turned to me with eyes so full of wisdom said "One thing I want you to do for me, is to pray daily for my soul after I die". He sat there waiting for my response. I said to him "I promise". So far, I have not forgotten him in my daily prayers and I have made a vow to pray for ALL souls in Purgatory. Even the ones who have noone to pray for them.
How comforting you feel when praying for their release. May we never forget our beloved dead. May be daily have a prayer in our hearts that reaches their ears so far away, in Purgatory
I pray also that there will be someone out there to pray for my soul when I die, as that is the only hope to those who have been given a second chance and relies upon Merciful prayers.
Eternal rest grant unto them oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they and all the souls of the faithful departed through the sweet mercy of God, rest in peace.....