English Saints: Champions of Faith and Devotion
Adam split the atom
Yet, he cannot create one
Adam is only capable of division
Through death, he brings destruction
Unstable and revered for its potential
Adam dares not expose himself to his
naked un-creation, he genuflects to avert his eyes
avoiding the all-consuming fire which razes the city of Cain
Adam fancies himself death, destroyer of worlds
But fusion is the true miracle
Only Being hath wrought an atom
Being made Being wholly present
In hypostatic fusion, He made immaterial material
He humbly makes reality solid upon the altar
Lowly priests handle this metaphysical isotope with bare hands
Staring directly at Him
He is consumed by mouths, often unthinking
Hidden beneath the accidents is the flaming substance that will one day consume all things
Woe is me, for I am a man of unclean lips
from the ashes of de-creation will rise a city no weapon can destroy
and a world that will never pass away