Welcome Home, New Catholics
The annual March for Life in Washington, DC will take place on Friday, January 19th.
Every year it brings nearly one million pro-lifers across the United States and parts of the world to our nation's capital. It is deemed as the largest annual peaceful human rights demonstration for more than half a century.
I see the annual event as an opportunity for us to recommit to the cause of life. Regardless of our occupations, state of life, or religious affliliation, we can all protect God's most precious creation, the life of a human being.
The annual event is not just to take a stand against abortion but to also protect life from the moment of conception to natural death.
Every person we encounter is the blueprint that God designed. It is up to us to be sure that his or her's dignity and life is protected.
For now, here are two ways we can get ready for the annual event and beyond.
Begin to Prepare for Bus Trip or Weekend Trip
Now is the time to start advertising for the bus to DC. Invite students or parishioners to get on the bus. Some will travel from the midwest and stay for the weekend. Others will travel for the day with fellow parishioners or students.
Planning to stay for a longer period of time? Be sure to get that reservation in now.
Attend Pro-Life Conference
Attend the National Pro-Life Summit on January 20th. Students for Life of America will be taking place just the day after. It will be a day fillede with networking and speakers to help light a spark among pro-lifers in their church, campus, or community. To register for the summit, visit here.
In addition, Gergetown University will host their annual event on campus also the same day. Registration will open soon, but they will have a solid lineup of speakers. Learn more here.
Further, the March for Life will have events before and after the March. Learn more here.