Who Do You Say You Are?
By Eileen Renders October 17, 2023
Health and long life is a topic most of us are interested in, especially in these times when we are concerned about clean drinking water, pandemics, and vaccines. Also, what we put into our bodies and how we can become more proactive. Research and Studies provide us with much information that is reliable provided the results of such studies are conducted independently, and not by manufacturing, or other types of entities with an investment in selling to the public.
We have learned much in the last decades regarding the type of foods we consume on a regular basis and our lifestyle. The very idea of simple and clean reminds me very much of how Christ lived His life on earth, which was to teach us by His example. Often, I am reminded how Jesus said; “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.” The extreme side of Christ’s life on earth is the rich individual, they are very much consumed with looking great as an accomplished achiever might look, to impress. They can afford to spend lavishly, eat many rich foods, and are not required to cut grass, do any maintenance, cook, or be concerned much about others. Many in fact, may consider themselves above others as they seemingly have appeared to be talented high-achievers. Yet, by middle age, they often find that when their career is coming to a sudden stop, they find themselves having lost their footing on how to grow old gracefully, find humility, and turn to worthwhile causes. Too often plastic surgery becomes their friend, sadly without notice or value.
Clean and simple is just that. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables from God’s earth, avoiding a diet plentiful in highly acidic foods, such as red meat. Being creative in cooking through healthy condiments, and sauces. Exercising regularly, building a good self-esteem through offering our talents in helping others such as seniors, or the handicapped. Avoid excess sugary foods, caffeine, and alcohol. When I said Jesus taught us by example, consider how much He traveled by foot each day, and helped His step-father with carpentry, He was active and obedient. What did He eat? All that I have ever seen written was Fish, cheese, water, home-baked bread, an occasional glass of wine, and on special feast days, a lamb was slaughtered.
All that Jesus said to His Apostles was passed down to us through the bible. All that Jesus did, and even ate, we have read. Living by His example was indeed for our benefit. Although cancer may have been around a lot longer than one might remember, I personally do not recall people dying of cancer much before the Sixties.