Picture Jesus standing beside you. Feel His warmth, His smile, His love. Then picture Jesus walking away the moment you succumb to the dart of temptation. The loneliness and sadness you feel.
Jesus is always ready and waiting for us. He promises us this as He said the words " I am with you always until the end of time. "
The world is very strong in convincing us that it is all right to do what we want. In our fear of being unaccepted or not fitting in if we don't do what everyone is doing. It is a trap. Maybe a test. We know the minute the deed is done. We are weak in our flesh, just like Saint Paul said. We give into pressure or despair or fear. Oh! Strengthen me oh God and give me courage.
I was talking once to my beloved friend Monsignor Perkinton, and I asked him, "How could all of those martyrs (Saints) who had to face the tortures they did, ever go through with it?" He said " We are fearful with the thought, but When faced with it, we Get the courage, because God is with us". That gave me hope and peace. Even though we don't actually have to see real life lions, we encounter the spirits of them when we are face with temptations. We must choose to trust that Jesus is standing right beside us, all the way and go forward into the lion's den with courage. Knowing and believing that choosing Him to help us fight the battle we WILL gain the victory.
When I die and God shows me my life, I shall realize that when I sinned, it was not Jesus who walked away, but me, who walked away from HIM.
God grant me the grace to realize it now. Never allow me to choose Death but only Life. As holy St.Padre Pio once said, " Watch Over me Jesus. Never leave me, because you know what will happen if you do. "