Recognizing and Answering God's Inspiration
By: Eileen Renders October 18, 2023
A very thought-provoking subject indeed, so let us examine what this means, and where we truly are in our lives. To begin with, contentment brings to mind, satisfaction, comfort, and fulfillment. On the other hand, complacency tends to conjure up thoughts of a willingness to accept that which may be less satisfaction than we might desire, yet one is unwilling to institute positive changes that would provide a more desirable state of being.
Contentment then is a state of mind where we desire to be, we are in our comfort zone. If we are unfortunately in a state of complacency, then perhaps we need to ask ourselves why we are not motivated to make positive changes. Are we fearful of someone, or something that could cause great stress, or anxiety if we resist our situation in life? Is energy low, or do we have no higher aspirations in our life? In either case, it just might be that some counseling is in order. There are times in life when we may lose a very dear and loved individual, causing depression. Although the passing of time helps us to accept and heal, others may find that their depression is not waning and need counseling.
Still, there are those who simply make decisions to live with values that actually do not line up with their deepest inner beliefs. This, of course, will cause a sense of failure and a sense of instability in who we really are. Each and every one of us has our own built-in set of values, goals, and morals, we set them up ourselves.
Therefore, if you are not feeling content as you deserve, seek help, make changes, and adopt the goal that you deserve to live in contentment. There is both joy and contentment in life and they can work together side by side.