Are we as Catholics asked to Fear God?
By Eileen Remders October 19, 2023
The time is necessary for us as Catholics and Christians To take an inventory of what is happening in our world; Russia invading Ukraine, China wanting to seize Taiwan, Hamas attacking Israel and killing thousands, and being backed by Iran. Unrest and floods in many other countries, including France, Greece, and more. Today, we are hearing of threats to the United States, and we are on heightened alert. Too, we must consider how with thousands of refugees crossing the water and coming into our country through the Texas border. Could there be leaders of Hamas among them, or some other radical group?
All of these happenings easily cause unrest, fear, and uncertainty among millions of people from other countries, including the United States. Some of our enemies will take notice of how we spend billions to protect innocent people being attacked in countries where we stand beside them. Our enemies are watching and hoping that we are spreading ourselves thin, and may be waiting to strike us when they feel that we are weakened and vulnerable.
We cannot afford to stand by and console ourselves by saying that it is not happening in our country, that shows a real lack of empathy or charity. Some relieve their conscience I suspect, by saying; “What can I do, I am one person?”
However, what we can do as a people united in our beliefs and faith is to send an urgent call to come together in strong prayer, fasting for those who are healthy, contributions for those who can afford to do so, and as God has told us; “When two or three are gathered together in My name, I will be there with you.”
That being said, I am not saying a rosary or a prayer is sufficient and then we can rest assured that we have met our responsibility. What I want to convey very strongly is that we need to pray, pray, and pray for world peace. For the future of our children and our grandchildren. We can suggest a prayer meeting to our minister or pastor for a specific day of prayer for peace. God is our salvation and always has been. He is our future. Perhaps many believe that God is not of this world, and that may be true today, but only because we do not invite Him here to be with us, we do not spend sufficient time with Him throughout our day.
I pray that we see how very much we need Him to continue to be our salvation!