Religious Freedom, Gay Marriage, and Kim Davis; Lessons from Kentucky
Coming to Ohio in November, is a horrific attempt to enshrine abortion in Ohio's constitution and legalize murder. If you don't live in Ohio, don't worry, this will no doubt be coming to your state soon! Beware, and be ready!!! Say, and vote NO to murder!
Since the first century the Catholic Church has taught that abortion is a moral evil. Supporting abortion is a grave evil and mortally sinful, this is an act that jeopardizes our soul. For that reason, Catholics who wish to remain in good moral standing with the Church and with God, for that matter, must not vote "yes" for issue 1 this November in Ohio. If you don't live in Ohio, don't worry, this initiative will soon be making its way to your state as well. Pray that Ohio is not the trailblazing state for legalizing murder nationwide. When a Catholic, or anyone really, votes for pro-abortion issues and candidates, we formally cooperate with evil and this constitutes a grave offense. In fact, the Church attaches the canonical penalty of ex-communication to those who procure an abortion for themselves, or those who in any way cooperate or advance the action of an abortion.
Abortion is a disqualifying issue for Catholics. It is so intrinsically evil that the Church considers it a non-negotiable issue that can never be supported in any circumstance. It is not possible for a Catholic to vote for issues supporting and advancing abortion in good conscience. Conscience is NOT the same as feelings or opinions. Our conscience is based on intellect, not feelings, and the intellect bases judgement on the natural moral law, which is inherent in our human nature. We do not invent the natural moral law, God had done that. We do invent our opinions, and we also invent the civil law. Our conscience is the voice of Truth within us, not our own truth, but THE TRUTH, and because we can become confused distinguishing between the two, Jesus, in His infinite mercy and love gave us the Church, and the Magisterium, to guide us in our confusion. As Catholics we are obligated to know and understand the teachings of the Magisterium and be guided in our actions and behaviors by them.
We must navigate our feelings and opinions toward virtue, so they are rightly ordered. When they are not, we can move into very dangerous waters indeed. Dangers that are not just temporal but eternal. By ignoring Church teaching, and by failing to form a proper conscience we can not only damage our own soul, but damage the souls of others as well. This is very grave, and jeopardizes our salvation. When it comes to abortion, this is the degree of seriousness we must apply to our actions and decisions. To disobey the natural moral law, and proclaim to be Catholic is gravely and mortally sinful. It is also scandalous and carries with it the responsibility and justice due to all those being led astray. It is the most ultimate form of pride to put our own ill informed opinions above those of the Church, and the natural moral law, because by doing so, we are putting our opinions and feelings above God's will. At that point, we have aligned ourselves with Satan, and will suffer the same fate, unless we can recognize our errors and repent, before it becomes too late.
I urge all Ohio Catholics and people of good will to vote against the injustice and grave moral sin of abortion this November. So many lives depend on it. The lives of these babies who are facing death, torture and destruction are really the least of our worries in this fight. These babies in the eternal scheme of things will be okay. God will rescue them and they will live eternally in happiness and bliss. They will be with God, and enjoy eternal salvation. Those perpetrating such evil, and anyone who supports or advances such evil will be held eternally culpable. It becomes even more perilous for those espousing the Catholic faith, and proposing and advocating for mortal sin in spite of the Church's very open, visible and staunch teaching on this issue. The Ohio Bishops have been very vocal and transparent about the evil of this issue. We are obliged as Catholics to obey our Bishop, to disobey, again demonstrates evil and sinfulness. The Bishops of Ohio have authored and advocated for a no vote on this specific Issue 1 initiative coming up in a few short week. Please follow their lead and be obedient. Legalizing abortion in Ohio will traumatize and destroy our state. How in Heaven's name can we thwart any kind of violence, when innocent babies can be ripped and torn apart from their own mothers' wombs. It is deplorable, and God will avenge these innocent souls!
Why would anyone jeopardize their eternal soul? It simply isn't worth it. Those who truly love God, obey His commandments, and the teachings and dictates of His Church. Those aligning with Satan, don't. It is that simple. One cannot say they love the Lord and then hate and disregard His Church. They are one and the same.
If you live in Ohio, vote no on Issue 1 this November - your soul, and the souls of so many others, depend on it. If your do not live in Ohio, pray for the defeat of this issue, and hope and pray one similar to it, doesn't end up on your ballot in the near future.
Vote NO for murder!