Climbing The Ladder To Success, A Reflection
Boredom and Dissatisfaction
By Eileen Renders October 27, 2023
Boredom and/or Dissatisfaction are feelings that are unpleasant and unwanted. However, overcoming these negative feelings requires a little investigative work as to their cause, before we can apply a fix. In fact, the causes of this negative state of mind can have many causes. This is because causes can range from psychological, and physiological, including certain medications.
So where do we begin this investigation of sorts, can we trace these emotions back to a specific traumatic occasion, such as the death of a loved one, or perhaps, back to when we started a new medication, this is a good start. A visit to our medical doctor who has all our medical records available for review and evaluation can at least, pinpoint a possible cause, or help in ruling out some sources.
Other sources could be poor nutritional intake, which can lower our energy level. Exercise helps to ensure proper circulation and oxygen levels. Physiological possibilities emotional abuse by someone close to us, feelings of rejection, and failure. Finding the culprit is the first step to a cure. Individuals who drink alcohol to excess risk depleting their bodies of vital nutrients, dehydration, and lower their energy. These are all factors that can cause a serious decline in mood, energy, and motivation.
Often, support is necessary for one to get back on track, make positive changes, and begin to enjoy life again. Depending upon the cause, it is necessary to pick up the phone and call a friend, a clergy, or a doctor, There are many support groups available as well and they are located in churches, Community Centers, and more.
Be kind to yourself and do the right thing.