The Realm of Eternity will be without question of what it is? It is ours to have!
Finding oneself to be alone can create an absence without hope beyond understanding!
Who can remember a time when you were lost and wanted someone to help you? It didn’t come without some fear or agony wondering who was coming to call your name and solve the greatest mishap of your life.
In today’s world that now presents confusion that is confounding beyond the understanding of the brightest minds. Take a look back when the earliest human beings were dependent on God for their future quest in life, and discovered a person without a name was their only hope in life. Of course as believers in the creator of everything we have the progression from Adam and Eve down to Noah we saw the diminishment of humanity to the point of the flood to cleanse the world of disbelief. It was then God decided to start over with humanity.
All the centuries since that time man has not advanced very far in belief of a God who still is working to bring his creatures into his kingdom on earth. Certainly, we have made advancements in technology, medicine, and intellectual premises that would place humanity as a progressive entity that should know and praise their creator. But, viewing the current stance of the world it is hard to see God’s existence in what we adhere to as a spiritual planet.
With all the educational structures of mental advancement there should be professors expanding the truth about God and the very truth of where we as a race should be moving forward in mind and body. Unfortunately the words of profundity coming from these teachers has led far too many students to a philosophy that emulates Marxism and is becoming worse than the people who lived before the flood. Who is the lost generation in history? It is us in the 21st century that is simply searching for a way out of the paper bag we find ourselves in looking for a way out.
This unfortunate outcome of hiding from God, although unknowingly, has found us in a forest of evil entities that stand as trees of sinful pleasures that have erased the path out to freedom. Just in case the reader may not adhere to the scripture that is a warning to the Parousia, Christ’s return in the final action of the final battle of Christ overturning the world of sin, see Revelation, the Apocalypse of the flood that will create a final world for believers. All of the centuries of humanity since Noah and the flood have finally come to fruition. The world has allowed sin to become its god led by Satan and the destruction of himself in hell, forever.
We still have an opportunity to save our own souls in spite of the final outcome of God’s wrath, whether we are still alive in this apocalypse or have already gone ahead into heaven. Remember what Jesus announced regarding that final choice; “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many. How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few.” (Mt 7: 13 - 14).
Or, “Lord. open the door for us. The master will say to those in reply, I do not know where you are from. And you will say, We ate and drank in your company and you taught in our streets. Then he will say to you, I do not know you, I do not know where you are from. Depart from me, all you evildoers! And there will be wailing and grinding of teeth when you see Abraham, Issac, and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God and you yourselves cast out. Behold, some who are last will be first, and some are first who will be last.” (Lk 13: 25 - 28, 30).
Ralph B. Hathaway