A poem on the Holy Face of Jesus
As I contemplate the 7 sorrows of our beloved Mother Mary, it pains me to think of what wretchednous our sweet Mother went through. All for the Redeemer of this world. Our Jesus, to complete God's task for the salvation for us all.
Starting from the beginning to the end. Her flight, her sorrow at hearing Simeon's words, her loss of Jesus in the temple, her meeting Him on the way to Calvary, His cruell death, holding His dead body in her arms, the way she cradled Him as a baby, And her burying Him.
Oh! What's sorrow for a mother to go through! No greater joy was it then to give birth to that precious baby, and what woe to have to bury Him.
Only the Holy grace of God and her spotlessness could have saved her and let her surrender Him to God the way she did.
Mary is our model , our example, our hope to turn to in times of despair and heartache. She gave us this wonderful God and showed us how to give Him back. Despair is what she could have turned to, because even though she was born pure of sin she was also human. Her heart breaking and unconsolable sorrow, could have succumbed to this worlds defeat and it could have been so different. But instead, she took a sorrow and used it for the glory of God and salvation.
What a good and wonderful mother she was and still is. Teaching us along with her child, her Jesus,, the true meaning of surrender. Then showing us what the outcome of her surrender did! It saved us all....
May we always turn to Mary, our Beloved Mother, in times of despair, heartache, confusion and loneliness. She is there waiting for us. Just as she was when Jesus was a child who fell and scraped his knee. Just as she was watching Him preach to the thousands. Just as she was when she heard He had been arrested. Just as she was when she saw His bruised and bloody body nailed to that tree. Just as she is now. In her heavenly glory, once again beside him. Her sorrow turned to Eternal joy.
Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among all women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb,Jesus...