Lent 2023: Ash Wednesday
Evil and its tentacles; How far can it reach into the human soul?
A question all theologians would like to know. We see evil every day, within the minds of God-fearing people, and in the hearts of the enemies of God pronouncing the manner of false attributes which will certainly pull innocent believers away from what Christ came and died for.
Can it be found in the simplistic manner when young children are not corrected as we hear the laughable words that come forth from the mouths of babes? We may ask, where did they hear that from, or perhaps we should curb our own mouths. In our modern society language that really has no place in a sophisticated environment is always on the lips of too many people. Add that to the off-color language we are bombarded with.
The uncontrollable nature of gossip and tearing people down because of their adherence to God, spiritual beliefs, and avoiding places of attraction to holiness have become a pattern that is becoming anti-God and all those that need Christ in their hearts.
Another sign of how deep evil can appear is when conflicts between nations blow up and war becomes factual. The latest skirmish is occurring in Israel as I write. (October 11, 2023) and the views of the atrocities are almost too much to hear about. However, Hamas is leading soldiers of evil into Israel from Gaza, raping civilian women, killing innocent citizens, and beheading babies which is not heard of even in normal differences between nations. Ok perhaps some of these atrocious actions are found in war zones, but to cut off the heads of babies is too much evil to allow the freedom to go unpunished.
Many will ask why doesn’t God intervene especially with babies being slaughtered? I assure you God is aware of all the evil occurring, especially in Israel. God’s mercy is so perfect that even those who are portraying evil at its lowest possible existence are given a last chance to turn away from what they are doing and repent. Christ died for those as well as you and me.
All of the strife going on in the middle east is a sign of worse things to come. Pray that this comes to a quick ending. But with other nations looking to come to Israel’s support and our I believe the 6th fleet sitting on the Mediterranean, with planes and plenty of weapons is not there for just a practice mission. With Iran living up to its promise to completely destroy the Jews from the earth this could be the beginning of a world war waiting for the first nuclear attack we’ve all been hearing about.
One thing for sure evil is an entity that seeks a human host to reside in and once implanted it will take control of the human essence and use everything available to do its worst signs of ungodliness. Beheading the heads of little babies is just one, but the living entity of evil within relishes the most severe signs of Satan.
How far can evil extend its tentacles within the human spirit? As soon as it finds a welcoming host that does not have the Spirit of God and Grace which will fight back, it is like a thundering blast out of the abyss that will become the very essence of Satan. Pray that each of us will keep Christ within our hearts.
Remember our fight is with the powers and principalities of the spiritual world and only our trust in Christ will see us through.
Ralph B. Hathaway