Have You Ever Wondered?
I read this text a few minutes ago: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10)
With the indisputable devotion of Halloween to things of Darkness – to skeletons and witches and goblins and death – I cannot fathom why Christian parents let their children participate in the day devoted to death.
Yeah, yeah, I know the TRUE history of All Hallow’s Eve and All Saints Day. But that history, and the knowledge of that history has, for all practical purposes, has been swallowed up by Satan and his children – and when I say his ‘children’ I do not mean demons. I mean humans who wittingly or unwittingly spread his evil among us – even in the Church.
Is it because ‘all their friends’ are chasing after candy that parents turn a blind eye to the Darkness that has nearly obliterated the Light of the Gospel in our culture?
Is it because they don’t want to offend their CHILDREN that they capitulate to our culture of Darkness?
Christian parents – Jesus is WARNING you. The Thief is working in our culture to destroy your children, to mislead your children, to soften them to the occult.
You have a choice to protect your children – or let them follow their friends into Darkness.