When God Brings Us To our Knees
How Can We Best Show Our Love For God Each Day
Eileen Renders October 29, 2023
As children of God, we behave as children of God. As we grow up showing respect and obedience to our parents, does God not also deserve our love, respect, and obedience? The answer is clear, it is a resounding yes! Jesus Himself gave us the Ten Commandments so that we could not only learn them but practice them each day.
They are as Follows
First, I am the Lord thy God, and thou shalt not put false Gods before me
Second, Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
Third, Remember to keep holy the Sabbath
Fourth, Honor thy father and thy mother
Fifth, Thou shalt not kill
Sixth, Thous shalt not commit adultery
Seventh, Thou shalt not steal
Eight, Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor
Ninth, Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife
Tenth, Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods
1. The First Commandment tells us it is a sin to place false gods before Him. Such as money, cars, careers, people, or anything else. 2. The Second Commandment is clear, do not use God’s name other than in prayer. 3. We as Catholics are required to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy days. 4. Respect and obey our parents. 5. Murder is a very serious sin, as is abortion. God gives life and only He has the right to take it. This also includes suicide or the taking of one’s own life. 6. This Commandment tells us that Marriage is a sacrament and those who marry make a promise in front of God, to love, honor cherish, and keep yourself only for your spouse. 7. Stealing, taking what is not rightfully ours, is a mortal sin. Someone else worked for or was gifted what was wrongfully taken. 8. Bearing false witness in telling lies about a person in order to ruin their reputation is also a sin. It can cause much damage to an innocent person, of the same type we would not want to happen to ourselves. 9. God tells us in this Commandment not to lust for, be jealous of, or want a man or woman who is wed to another. This is sinful. 10. Here God tells us not to covet our neighbor’s goods. This Commandment is saying that we should not be jealous, or begrudge another of what is theirs. What belongs to another is not ours, nor do we need to compare what is ours with a neighbor.
If we live by the Ten Commandments that God gave to us and instructs us to live by then we are living in a way that show respect for God, obedience to God and that we love Him.