Evangelizing or Preaching
Eileen Renders Nov. 04, 2023
Evangelizing, according to the Merriam Webster dictionary is described as offering information about faith, inviting people into Christianity. People evangelize so that all will understand how God wishes for us to live. After researching and reviewing definitions and descriptions of the word Evangelizing, or to Evangelize it seems fair to say that when one evangelizes, he or she is sharing the good news about God. You might think of how someone is sharing about another through history, personal experience, and more.
This sharing, or evangelizing is the giving of faith and hope in a God that perhaps another has not heard. It is the sincere desire of one to bring another into a fold of others who share the same beliefs and to share the love of that group with all who are interested in the positive aspects of life, and why we were created.
Preaching, According to the Merriam Webster definition; To urge acceptance or abandonment of a course of action. Other definitions include teaching about faith in a pompously self-righteous manner. Preaching on the one hand may be done with all good intentions, however it is often not received by the listeners. When this happens it is often because the Speaker or the Preacher comes across in an accusatory manner. Another way to put it is that the one who is preaching seems to infer that he or she has seen the Light, has been saved, or is not in the same negative circumstance as those who are being preached to. Therefore, any positive results from such a sermon are usually lost. This brings to mind how God Himself has told us: “Let he who is first be last, and he who is last be first.” In any attempt to provide a person or a group with God’s word, we must remember to speak from our hearts with humility and love. Better, more precious, more needed, or more loved than another. Speaking is not unlike writing, or teaching in that it is an Art.