Already we stand, accused with Christ!
We’re all riding on a ship of hope.
Could be compared to the “Ship of Fools” where the quest to leave a life that was no more than a fool’s entrapment. We all must grow beyond the manner of succumbing to the authority of wealth and pleasure which threatens each person living without hope.
Each of us sits beside a porthole and envisions what life is handing our greatest desires. On one side of this ship can be seen the tyranny of the government where control of the lowest is in the hands of evil. Its greatest quest will become the rule of life and no one who adopts it will find a way around it. Another port hole just across the deck has opened a view of people with signs of destroying the very thought of peace and is gathering multitudes of followers without a sense of righteousness.
It appears that this level is not the one with a view of sharing a democracy of freedom. The next upper deck still has portholes we may look through but now there are bluebirds hovering above and their melodious sounds reflect that something better has caught our attention. We see standing in the halls of justice one or more souls who have given themselves as fodder for the enemies below and are now writing a declaration of becoming independent for all who desire it.
Going to the other side of the deck we can see a flag waving in the morning and the sound of freedom declaring the world is free and we must all stand for its premise that man was made for holiness and praise to our creator who is God Almighty
Moving from the stern of the ship and going forward we can now see along each step we take souls that have stood tall with a feeling of greatness. Each of these are also described in the Book of Revelation; “Who are these wearing white robes, and where did they come from? I said to him, My Lord, you are the one who knows. He said to me, These are the ones who have survived the time of great distress; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. For this reason they stand before God’s throne and worship him day and night in his temple. The one who sits on the throne will shelter them.” (Rv 7: 13 - 15).
Is it any wonder that on this ship of hope we shall not find peace through the ill-gotten rulers in Washington DC, and the take-over by means of anarchy. This ship will sink in the middle of evil and its total control over our 21st century and the signs of nuclear proliferation and unleashing of destruction will become the very last verse of the Ship of Fools; “It was later than I thought
When I first believed you, now I can share your laughter, Ship of Fools.”
This is the very existence we are experiencing as the guns are lined up around too many places on our planet. Needed are those souls that are willing to wash their robes and seek God before any lying government officials who look for their own safety, first. We must put God before the world and depend on him alone.
Ralph B. Hathaway