Inspiration and Task
Jesus, Mary And Joseph.
Oh! To dry the tears of our Beloved Mother Mary. Even at the thought of one Most Precious tear shed.... God give us this Holy grace.
Mary's tears are like Pearls in the sea. Sorrowful Heart of Mary! Our new Eve! Open Gate of Heaven! May Thy most precious tears quench the thirst we have to possess Thy Holy Child, Jesus. Stairway that leads us to His mighty Throne. I lay my heart at your feet Mother, and ask you to purify my thoughts, my words, and my actions, as I prepare for the Holy city of God. From Thy hands give them to Him who is our Creator and Merciful Father. Because through your hands He cannot deny you With all my faults and failings, He sees only Your desire to love me.
Oh! Precious Tears of Mary. Shed at my falling day after day. Yet so willing to keep picking me up. May I comfort you? I who I'm so weak?
I, who am a beneficiary of all of God's's Holy gifts. Unworthy that I am, still being given treasures and blessings. Oh! Praise the Mercy of God! Through Your tears, Oh! Holy Mother, we are purified. Uniting our tears and our sorrow for the sins that stain our souls. With true sorrow, we beseech you, oh! Pure and Spotless Mother, take on our behalf the sorrow we feel.
Allow me to always dry your tears Mary, and remain under your Holy Mantle until God calls me home. Where I shall rest in the comfort of your smile.