The 3:00 Hour
Every time I hear the words of Saint Paul, I get hope for myself. He was brave yet humble, he was fierce yet tender. He made mistakes. Big mistakes. Admitted them out loud and brought and is still bringing people to the Love and Faith of God.
By Saint Paul recognizing that " the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" gives me hope every time I fail at loving and obeying God. Every day my spirit "wakes up willing" but by the end of the day, I have messed up so much I must come crawling on my knees back to the Throne of God. There I am. Head facing the ground. Ashamed God has to see me this way again. Again so soon, and what does He do? He lays His mighty hand on my bowed head and forgives me.
Saint Paul helps me accept God's forgiveness of my wretchedness and my unworthiness and picks me up again and sets me back on my feet.
When Saint Paul was Saul, I believe he was feisty and rebellious. For goodness sakes! He was a zealot! He was an opponent of Christianity. Until God asked him the question "why?." I myself ask that question at the end of the day. Coming up with no good answer. Oh! may I not be blind forever! May it not take getting knocked off of my horse. Intercede for me Saint Paul! and make my heart hear the Holy words of Saint Luke, a close companion of yours, as he tells of the rebellion, and conversion and at last, the Love that you possess for a Just and Loving God.
Saint Paul. Pray for us