Holy Family Reflection
Shore-goers in the Greater Philadelphia area may know a sign on the Atlantic City Expressway as they are making their annual trek to the shore that reads, “Stay Awake, Stay Alert, Stay Alive”.
The ending of Matthew’s gospel for the 32nd of Ordinary gives us a reminder that Advent is coming. The question reminds us of if we are ready for the moment Christ comes again. It is even a wakeup call as the liturgical calendar draws to a close and Advent is just around the corner.
The gospel once more offers us a parable. This time around we hear about the ten virgins. Half were foolish while the rest were wise. The wise ones were ready to supply the spar oil for the lamps. The rest were unprepared.
For us, we have often had to have a plan for everything from work to home and everything in between.
Stay Awake
It’s one thing that we can’t fall asleep on the job or behind the wheel. It is another thing to be awake spiritually. The Prophet Isaiah reminds us to not fall for the spiritual drunkenness (See Isaiah 29: 9-14). What is important here is the things that are offered in this world will cloud our judgment between good and evil. We must be awake to the voice of God.
Stay Alert
Christ is coming. We do not know the hour or day. At the same time, we must be ready for the moment. Some of us who have never served in the military would hear the stories of veterans who would have to undergo drills time after time. For instance, soldiers stationed in South Korea near the border had to be alert for the possibility of North Korea crossing the 38th parallel which can start the Korean War again.
Likewise, we must keep sharp by going to Mass, receiving the sacraments, doing works of mercy, and praying.
Stay Alive
Our culture has become filled with spiritually dead zombies. We are surrounded by the walking dead. Thankfully, it is not the cannibalistic monster that devours a human at first sight that is depicted in post-apocalyptic shows and movies.
Our faith can be revived by having holy habits like those mentioned above. It is also good to be sure to share the faith with others. We must take every opportunity to let the faith inside of us come alive every time we have the opportunity to share with other.
So the question remains, “Are you ready?”