Fratelli Tutti
As a cradle Catholic, I remember learning about Jesus and Mary. I learned the prayers for the Rosary and the mysteries for each decade. Somewhere in my teenage years, I walked away from Catholicism and minimized the importance of the Rosary to a mere good luck charm. The reality of life with all its ups and downs brought me back to my roots determined to learn the truth about Catholicism.
After reading a book by Father Donald Calloway on the Rosary, I began writing and researching. As I moved closer to learn the truth of the Rosary, my love for Jesus and Mary was renewed.
Meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary was always a challenge. My mind always drifted, and I found it difficult to stay focused. During my research, I learned how to place myself in the mystery as encouraged by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in the Spiritual Exercises. I also discovered many different types of Rosaries – some with six decades and others with seven decades.
The most common Rosary used today is the Dominican Rosary. This Rosary has five decades. Each decade is dedicated to a mystery that focuses on the life of Jesus and Mary. There are four groups of mysteries for the Dominican Rosary. They are the Joyful Mysteries, Luminous Mysteries, Sorrowful Mysteries, and the Glorious Mysteries. The total number of mysteries for the Dominican Rosary are twenty mysteries. However, there are five additional mysteries that are part of the Brigittine Rosary and the Franciscan Rosary.
The Brigittine Rosary is the only Rosary that begins with the mystery of the Immaculate Conception. This mystery focuses on the preparation of the Blessed Mother from the moment of her conception. When praying the Brigittine Rosary, the Apostles’ Creed is recited at the end of each decade rather than the Glory Be prayer and the Fatima prayer which is prayed after each decade in the Dominican Rosary.
As I continued research on the Rosary, I learned of another mystery mentioned only in the Franciscan Rosary. This mystery focuses on the visit of the Magi to the baby Jesus. During this research I learned of an amazing book by Father Dwight Longenecker titled – Mystery of the Magi. This was an amazing find which helped me to better understand the nativity scene and the purpose of the Magi visit. The Franciscan Rosary, like all the other Rosaries, begins with the Sign of the Cross. However, this Rosary contains seven decades instead of five decades which is part of the Dominican Rosary.
I cannot say enough about all that I learned in digging for truth about the Rosary. My research began with the unapproved Infancy Gospels and commentary on these writings from Saint Augustine, Saint Thomas Aquinas, and Saint Jerome. These writings give us a glimpse into the life of the Blessed Mother as a young child. In addition, an in depth study of each of the mysteries of all the Rosaries is provided in chronological order with extensive commentary for each mystery.
Mary is an amazing woman. She is one of us. She is a daughter, wife, mother, and a disciple of Christ. She is an effective advocate who understands grief and heartache and yet always focuses on the goodness of God and trusts explicitly in His care. Mary is the first tabernacle and was prepared from the moment of her conception for this role as the Mother of God. We are encouraged by her Son to imitate her and to love and honor her as our own Mother.
After months of research, I developed a manuscript that turned into an award-winning nonfiction book titled – Mary’s Life Journey & Her Amazing Yes! This book received awards in two categories from the Catholic Media Association in June 2023.
When God gives you a gift, it is important that you share it with others. I share these books with you in the hopes that you will share them with your family and friends. The Christmas story begins with Mary’s Amazing Yes! As we quickly approach the Advent season, let us share the truth of the season with all those we love. Books make great gifts and here are three good ones to share!
Champions of the Rosary by Father Donald Calloway
Mystery of the Magi by Father Dwight Longenecker
Mary’s Life Journey & Her Amazing Yes! by Denise Mercado