Joy and Gratitude
Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
I had a wonderful revelation this morning at mass that I'm ashamed hadn't come to me sooner. It was when the priest was standing on the altar after the bread and wine had been brought to him to celebrate. When he started to say the Holy words of sacrifice, I actually understood and saw that it was Jesus offering those gifts to His Father, God, and it was the most beautiful experience I've felt in a long time.
I don't always remember deeply that God sent Himself, Jesus, to open up heaven again. When you picture Jesus raising those gifts to God you feel all Three. God the Father. God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The eternal Love between God and man and the richness of that Love.
How blessed are our holy priests! To be instruments of that great Love. To share with us in the most ultimate way the Saving Power of God in the Eucharist. Jesus lifting His hands in union with the priest. The heavens rejoicing at every Holy Mass.
We, as Catholics, are blessed beyond all of our wildest dreams. To receive the actual Body and Blood of our God. I Praise You oh! God! and THANK YOU with all of my heart. For no greater treasure is there then to possess "You" within "our" hearts at every Mass.