Walking in the footsteps of Grace!
A universal term that states something is firm, fixed, or sure. It can also depict completion to anything with authoritative significance.
There was a young boy who argued with elders that amen should not be adhered to which signifies its use has no essence in narratives or other written pronouncement. His utterance also created a lot of disruption among his listeners.
Narratives are written accounts of major events or written stories. Adding Amen to the conclusion is significant because by its appearance the work it follows states perfection to the depth of the written prose.
To soothe this young boy’s aggravation, an example of how much the addition of Amen means to exemplify the work preceding its inclusion needed to be presented.
First, take a most illustrious prayer, given us by Jesus when his disciples asked how to pray. “This is how you are to pray; Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name:” (Mt 6: 9). With just this beginning sentence we understand how hallowed God is and who he is to us. These words are not just a greeting but a deep and loving adherence to a person, divine, who is more than a theological entity. He is exactly what we would expect of our human father, so much love that he would even die, if needed, for you or me. He did this willingly through his own divine Son when Jesus died on the Cross.
So it is with many narratives that create devotion to an entity that promises eternal sustenance with God. Keeping an eye on some TV preachers, like Joyce Meyers, through the teaching on scripture she will occasionally reach out and call for an amen. The theme used to awaken the spirit within her listeners suggests the intent meant for our hearing and retainment of God’s word.
From Revelation in the letter to Laodicea: “To the angel of the church in Laodicea, write this: “The Amen, the faithful and true witness, the source of God’s creation, says this.” (Rv 3: 14). Christ speaking to John regarding the seven churches, their goodness and weakness as well. The theme is to secure those who are weak but believe that Christ is with them. At a time when persecution is coming upon the Church hope is there and he is with them.
Speaking to our young confused youngsters is synonymous to reaching out to the Church in doubt of just who Christ really is as his church continues on the path of redemption. A perfect perspective of the Amen is for total belief in a firm, fixed, and certain absolute that is real for us.
Ralph B. Hathaway