How Catholics Can Respect Life During October and Beyond
A recent email from Pennsylvanians for Human Life reveals something that comes at no surprise. Who is truly keeping the pro-abortion lobby from promoting their radical agenda? The Catholic Church.
A recent article by Catholic Vote News revealed that during an international pro-abortion conference, the Catholic Church was cited as one of the four largest obstacles to legalizing and desensitizing abortion. If we are an obstacle to abortion, this means we are doing something absolutely right!
OB/GYN Donna Harrison M.D has revealed what she learned while observing undercover one of the pro-abortion conference's breakout sessions. Among other obstacles the abortion movement feels threatened by, such as the Hippocratic Oath and ultrasounds, was the "presence of the Roman Catholic Church". This means that Catholics standing strong in their faith IS having an impact. It means that the world IS seeing the values of dignity of life and gift of creation that the Church promotes. It means that leading hearts to follow Jesus to then change minds to support life IS an effective strategy not only in the salvation of souls but in the preservation of lives. While the tragic events in Ohio show we may run into something that IS NOT going our way, we should not focus on the isn't but instead on the is. The Catholic Church IS an essential piece in the puzzle of making abortion unthinkable.
So what can we do? We can continue to stand strong and spread our message of life to Catholics everywhere. If we can reach those of our own faith whose hearts are already inclined to the will of God, we will more aptly be able to reach Non-Catholics as a result. This Culture of Death needs to be stopped, and it starts with changing minds against elective abortion in our own communities. If every Catholic voted in accordance to Catholic values and for the preservation of the unborn, the abortion movement would not view us as an obstacle because they would have already lost the fight for good. Mother Teresa once said that "If you want to change the world, go home and love your family". This applies to the pro-life movement in the same way. If we want to change how the world views abortion, it must start in our churches and our homes. If the pro-abortion movement already feels threatened by the Catholic Church, think of how they would fall if we were all truly united in Christ!
The pro-abortion movement knows that defeating Jesus's Church is how they can go forth with elective abortion, and so they will not stop their attacks. Let us not view these attacks as a reason for despair but instead realize that the Devil is coming after us because he has reason to, and that means that we are doing something very honorable and righteous indeed. Jesus died for three days, but he rose again on the third. Our third day is coming fellow pro-lifers! We just need to strengthen God's kingdom so that it is not knocked down before it comes. We can win this battle, and it is evident that starts with bringing others to Christ and standing strong in our faith.