Who is God?
For the last several days now, I have carefully considered and prayed about what I should write regarding the Vatican’s removal of Bishop Joseph Strickland from his position as Bishop of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas. I have carefully considered what others have written both in favor and in opposition to the Vatican’s actions. Ever mindful of Canon No. 212 which authorizes the laity to express their concerns to the leaders of the Church, now, therefore, I shall offer my thoughts on this most serious matter.
Pope Francis I is the legitimate head of our Church. He is the legitimate successor of St. Peter and the Vicar of Christ. He was legitimately elected as Pope. The Holy Spirit is an active participant in Papal Elections, offering His counsel and guidance to the Papal Electors as they make their most solemn decisions regarding the Earthly leadership of our Church. Unfortunately, there have been times in the past when the Papal Electors have not heeded the guidance of the Holy Spirit, as evidenced by the several notorious, corrupt, and scandalous men who have served as Pope.
Bishop Strickland was appointed as Bishop of the Diocese of Tyler, Texas by the late Pope Benedict XVI. Since then, he served the Diocese, the people of Texas, the Church and the Thrice-Holy God with extraordinary faithfulness, charity and leadership. He has been a faithful guardian of the Deposit of the Faith, diligently upholding his responsibilities as a successor of the Apostle.
This past Saturday, Bishop Strickland was removed by the Vatican without any explanation. The Vatican ought to offer an explanation in the interest of justice, fairness, and transparency and to quell the speculation surrounding this matter.
Pope Francis has made a series of questionable personnel actions during his Papacy. These include his belated removal of sexual predator Theodore McCarrick as a Cardinal, his elevation of pro-LGBTQ+ bishops to Cardinal, his appointment of pro-LGBTQ+ persons to key leadership positions in the Vatican, his tolerance of certain defiant German bishops, and his unexplained removal of Bishop Fernández Torres of Puerto Rico last year.
Pope Francis / the Vatican’s removal of Bishop Strickland was an egregious injustice compounded by the Pope and Vatican’s failure to offer any explanation for their actions. The same is true for their removal of Bishop Torres.
Several of Bishop Strickland’s brother bishops have voiced their support for him in the wake of his removal. They include Archbishop Emeritus Hector Aguer, Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. I pray that the Holy Spirit will prompt more bishops to publicly support him.
I am especially disappointed and distressed by the role of my own Bishop is this sad affair. Bishop Dennis Sullivan of the Diocese of Camden, NJ, was one of the two bishops chosen by the Vatican to investigate Bishop Strickland several months ago.
Both Bishop Strickland and Bishop Torres are among Pope Francis’s conservative critics. Will Pope Francis’s removal of these two faithful bishops have a chilling effect on the other bishops who disagree with the Pope on key issues affecting the Church? Was Pope Francis’s actions directed not just against Bishop Strickland and Bishop Torres but against all of his conservative critics? Or will the Pope’s actions embolden and inspire other bishops in their efforts to defend the true teachings of our Church?
Bishop Strickland has handled his unjust removal with great dignity. He has called upon us to pray for the Pope. I will continue to pray for our Pope.