Our Family
What Exactly Are Venial Sins?
Eileen Renders November, 2023
To describe a venial is to explain why these venial sins are venial sins. Although venial sins weaken the relationship with God. They are not an intentional turning away from God and therefore do not block one from receiving sanctifying grace.
Gossip, failure to pray, impatience, indifference, or ingratitude to God, entertaining doubts against the Faith, failing to seek out or learn the teachings of the church and failure to pray on a daily basis are good examples of Venial sins.
It is good to be reminded that these venial sins are not usually intentional, yet going to confession can remind us of them, and receiving the graces associated with going to Confession regularly is an excellent practice.
Often through the priest and our parents, we may have heard these words; “You cannot outdo Christ!” In my life, I have found those words to be very true. Whatever we sacrifice, or do for Christ, He gives us back a hundredfold in return. The peace, the joy, the contentment, the wisdom, and much more.
As a child we may have been told by our parents; “Go to Confession” while we were entertaining thoughts of going to a Saturday Matinee. And how often hearing those words; “Get to church or you will be late.” Many of us may have felt as though we were giving up, or sacrificing for God. Perhaps we were just too young to comprehend what Christ gave up for the love of us. Furthermore, God does not ask us to frequent the sacraments all for His sake. No, He does not want us to fall into the temptation of the Evil One. The sacraments fill us with grace, remove sin, and strengthen our faith and relationship with Christ. He does want that for us!
Children often feel that they have a need for immediate reward for doing the right thing, such as straightening up their bedroom. It is good to explain to them that God’s reward is not often seen, and may take more faith before it is felt.