A diminishing era of Sacramental Efficacy
Speaking and Standing up for the Truth!!!
As citizens of any nation the people will do whatever they can to use those attributes for change or to keep the truths of their doctrines. So it is with the Church built on many dogmas that have withstood 200 centuries against heresies, schismas, and poor leaders who lasted only a short time.
Do these faults of time and ill-led popes, or groups of church leaders, become the true teaching of Christ and his doctrine of understanding God’s meaning for redemption through belief in a faith so basic to God’s heart? Of course not. However, even in our own nation we’ve had presidents whose doctrines have nearly brought our nation to its knees. This is what we now are witnessing in the Church of Rome; leadership that may be going beyond the true magisterium and the future results that will become our own waterloo.
The latest disaster we find in today’s news regarding the pope’s power to not even look at the circumstances of dialogue with any bishop who has not fallen into the sin of pedophilia or protecting those priests who have. It appears that Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, TX has become another martyr on the chopping block for challenging priests who are dedicated to the Church of Christ.
Not too long ago I wrote an article specifying that a schism was in the making when Pope Francis allowed the Chinese regime to place their own bishops for the Catholic Church in China.
Where are we as Roman Catholics supplanting other nations to take over for the installation of men as bishops who are part of a communist country without right to life dictates and acting as God’s representatives?
What the Church is not is a democracy. Once I was ordained, my eyes became opened to the politics that seemed to be alive in the Church. Politics is always an entity that fights for control over a systematic system that goes beyond the basic structure of rights for the people and almost follows the Marxist manner of the common populace. The Church can easily fall into the same scenario by becoming politically motivated and forgetting the establishment of a God motivated established entity for the people of God. This does mean that the general attendance in the pews makes the decisions, but their faith-given attitudes are part of what Christ’s chosen people believe in and pray to as well.
Another serious consideration is the different religious groups within the Church changing the magisterium’s official concept of just what Christ established. Looking at the diaconate, some factions insist that women should be allowed to be ordained as deacons. Holy Orders are exclusive to men alone. The argument brought up regarding Jesus’ choice to choose only men was done because of cultural requirements. They say Jesus was only following the Old Testament mandates. O, so wrong in that scenario. Look through the gospel accounts and see that Jesus and his disciples did everything contrary to Sabbath rules, and the many laws the Pharisees argued Jesus and his followers constantly disobeyed. They called them disobedient to the Law of God. In fact, the Pharisees were disobedient to common sense dictates for men.
An argument that insists on cultural mandates is not sufficient towards female ordination. Making a determination to isolate priests from deacons is also not plausible. Holy Orders are all three levels of ordination. A deacon is ordained to service; implying the meaning to serve. The deacon is then ordained, or elevated to the ministry of priesthood, adding now sacramental increments to his status. Then, a priest may be elevated to the Episcopacy level as a bishop of some diocese in the world. The proponents of allowing women to become deacons would lower the role of deacons to a non-ordination level remaining a layman. Deacons are as much part of Holy Orders as priests and bishops. Therefore, women are not allowed. St. Pope John Paul II was very stern on this matter.
However, in spite of the argument towards female ordination and the magisterium of the Church, we must now look at what the Vatican is proposing towards several incidents that have rocked the Roman Church and has put all of its faithful members in a quandary.
Earlier this year, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence drag group at Dodger stadium brought a lot of controversy in the news and Bishop Strickland was a forefront adversary against this type of action against the Church. One of his comments was accusing the Archbishop of Los Angeles for not condemning such a disgusting affront to the Church. When we the clergy do not stand as a sign of dignity for morality we stand hand to hand with Satan in promoting anti–Christian relevance to following Christ and his Church.
When we as clergy or lay people sit and watch the tearing down of a bishop who is leading the way to stand up for basic morality that our holy Father is not, we may see the signs of in the last days before the Rapture; or when we are caught up with the Lord. Whatever the many Cardinals and bishops are doing to retain the original morality of the Roman Catholic Church please stand up for the basic morals Jesus promoted before he went to the cross for all his brothers and sisters.
How easy it has become for the secular world to fall off a cliff of moral degradation, please do not allow this institution of moral teaching to do the same. This is a letter to the Magisterium!
Ralph B. Hathaway