How to Get a Super Brain (Video)
Reflection of the Deity
Filter of the dross.
A gift that lends to us
Increasing piety
And showing us the cross.
Without fail we follow,
Waiting for the call,
Watching for the emanation of light,
The virtue poured in torrents,
Decreasing the night.
What is this reflection,
Digging deep within,
Bringing forth conversion,
Putting the runner to win,
A wreath of laurels in the race?
Deeper still it beckons,
Taking away shame,
And strengthening faith,
What is it’s name?
Whence does it come?
It comes from the most high,
He gives it freely
To those that ask
And in its brilliance we bask.
Holy Spirit give us this gift,
An illumination,
An infusion,
A radiation of thy grace,
This gift in your Kingdom
We call Wisdom.
A Poem by Jacinta Wick