Where once there was nothing now has become grace
Have we gone too far, forgetting God?
Watch how insolent the younger generation is without any thought of God, heaven or hell, and their own souls. We’re seeing a large portion of humanity wasting away without any remembrance of the past and no concern of the future. The very presence of their everyday lives have become a minute by minute existence without any concern for life itself.
Ask most of their generation about the abortion issue and they’ll respond with an attitude of another older generation throwing an antiquated belief down their throats. “We have more important issues to deal with,” they’ll say. Go back to your canasta games and watch the “Golden Girls” on reruns. What used to be a philosophy of treating everyone with respect and showing concern for the least in our society has now become a museum memento that nobody with aspirations to get ahead even mentions among themselves.
When someone sins and is troubled by their actions, we see they still adhere to God’s commands and struggle to make amends with the Church and God. Here we should stand and feel God is the center of their lives. It is when there no longer exists a conviction of sin and everything is just like a wind blowing in and all that offends God is blown away like dust. This is the pronunciation they make saying; “God” who is he?”
I’m afraid if we as a society have reached that point where most people have no adherence to God, his Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit who brings healing to a troubled world, we are in deep danger of an eternal rejection before our eyes. Jesus during his ministry, and the Church he started was not to establish religious rules for a demanding Trinity. It was God’s plan to keep his children holy and a concern to forgive sin, and live with him in eternity. However, just like the attitude of “God, who is he” the door to paradise will be open without too many souls finding their way to an eternal God.
What we are witnessing is the expression of selfishness where an attitude of me first is prevalent among the Hedonistic type of person. “I will exceed at any cost and whomever is in the way, look out.” We are told that the souls in hell are there because it fits their forte without any connection to God or his mercy. On the way into this darkness one cannot imagine the loneliness that awaits them. If for a moment any one of them realized what they are about to encounter, perhaps most would take a second look at their final thrust with evil personified. Perhaps they might reconsider before their final breath is used up.
One more time I will relate what I heard while praying as a night adorer for the Sacred Heart. At 3 AM a scream that would send shivers upon any one was heard. I will never forget it. Upon going outside looking and listening the night was silent and serene. Returning to my prayers a voice very succinct said the scream came from the depths of hell. I was privy to be allowed to understand the agony each soul must endure throughout eternity. If anyone on their way to an eternity of evil prepared for Satan and all who choose to go there could hear that scream, they would turn away from the existence they were heading towards. It frightened my sense of unbelief that hell must be beyond any Halloween make-believe scare tactics.
Ralph B. Hathaway