Humility - A Gift
Remember that phrase from the 70’s? Depending on your age, you may or may not. It was a song performed by Bobby McFerrin. It was quite the little ditty at the time… and today it still sends a happy message.
But is it so easy not to worry? I say ‘not’. Get a medical test and have to wait for the results, watch your mom get older every day, send your child off to school……….and don’t worry!!!?? Good luck with that.
Plenty will say worrying doesn’t accomplish a thing. And they’re probably right. What will be will be. But can you influence ‘what will be’ with prayer? I believe you can.
What does the bible say about worrying? A lot, apparently. But one quote by Jesus is one I love the most which reads “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” That pretty much says it.
But we all worry. It’s hard not to. But can you change what will be 'God’s will'? No. Do you feel better worrying? No. Will your fears be allayed any faster if you worry. No. Then, yea, I know, you’re going to worry anyway……
I’ve had the last few weeks filled with anxiety over a friend who may or may not be ill. Those pesky medical test reports……we all get those tests and then are forced to wait for the results. Or, we have to wait for the test itself to be scheduled, just prolonging the agony.
So, how best to relieve myself of the nervous feeling of “worry”? I pray. And I have been for weeks now. I think there is a part of me that says if I don’t pray, there is no chance of dealing with the worry and if the test results in bad news, then it will be my fault. Silly? Maybe, but I believe in prayer so much, that I will feel the guilt of not doing all I could to alleviate a bad result. But if I pray, I can say I did all I could to influence that test result for my friend.
Going back to what Jesus said… “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” Frankly, if I think about it, worrying likely shortens our lives due to the stress and fear which results in our own health being affected. So, a single hour isn’t added and likely a few hours are subtracted in the long run.
And worrying is not going to change a thing.
I’ve come to the conclusion, “give Jesus the wheel”. Regardless of what becomes of your worry, His blessings will carry the day.