What to look for in a wife or husband
I had wanted to write this for a while, but, couldn't quite get the motivation. I was listening to Fr. Pontifex's "No Mercy", and I tied it into the topic at hand. Wait until the radtrad echo chamber learns I was listening rap, a rapping priest at that, and all the sudden I'm considered a lib, and "clown Masses, bro". Anyway, on almost a daily basis, I have to deal with numerous vatniki. "Charlie, what is a vatniki"? The correct question is "what is a vatnik"? Vatniki is plural. Anyway, to answer the question, a vatnik is someone who unquestionably supports Putin and attacks Ukraine's position on, well, anything and everything, and justifies Russia's invasion of Ukraine. I never would have supported that, but, before 2014, I was one, too. So, what does this have to do with anything? Let's be honest, as Christians, we're always looking for a saviour. Apparently forgetting that we already have one.
Somehow, the internet, already filled to the brim with fanfiction, has one that Putin is the saviour of Christianity. I am not sure where people get this from. It's always a bit of an oddity to me when Catholics, of all people, defend Putin, given how the Ukrainian Greek Catholic church is treated in Russia (not that different than how it was treated in the Soviet Union), and, while the UGCC has it the worst, just being Catholic in general, in Russia, isn't great. (It may have actually been better under the Tsar).
People have made a god out of Putin. Whether they know it or not. I'm not just saying that Putin is the issue. It's that people are so wrapped up in their ideology, that they don't take time to think critically. A lot of these people defending Putin, may be surprised to learn that Putin does not share their views on abortion, foreign policy (you'd think Non-interventionists would have already figured that one out), self-sufficiency, or a traditional Christian nation-state. (Let it be known, that I am also quite critical of the Patriarch of Moscow, that's for a different time).
I say this out of love, I used to be one of you! But, because "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowlege of the Holy One is insight" (Proverbs 9:10), I think it may be wise for y'all to start learning about the Bible and God, and turn away from this idol you've made out of Putin or whatever ideology.
"But Putin banned LGBT propaganda", okay, that's one good out of much evil. I don't think that's a valid argument to support attacking and killing, largely civilians. I have a challenge to vatniki. Talk to Ukrainians who've had their families killed in the war (not "special military operation", WAR). If world leaders actually feared God, there may still be war (people will always find a reason to justify atrocities, like vatniki defending Putin), but, at least people would actually think about the consequences. For all intents and purposes, many people have become practical atheists on this issue (and I suspect, some world leaders, especially under the sphere of communism or former communist states, ARE actual atheists). Yes, we should trust God, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all you ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and turn away from evil." (Proverbs 3:5-7).
but, sadly, there are a lot of people (not just vatniki), that have become wise in their own eyes.
May we not be those people.
Bible version used, ESV Catholic Edition with Deuterocanonical Books, Copyright 2017 by Crossway.